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Home -> Community -> Usenet -> c.d.o.server -> Re: managing lots of databases tool(s)
NetComrade wrote:
> We have a two dozen databases, some enterprise and some (mostly)
> standard belonging to different customers, and we'd like to have a
> 'central way' of viewing them.
> Besides grid control, is there are a product we could use less
> espensively? We don't want all bells and whistles, but something to
> monitor RMAN and alert logs centrally would be nice, as well as
> general availability, anything else is a big plus.
I wouldn't be tempted to call 2 dozen databases a lot.
Grid control of course is oracle's preferred new way for such an environment. Other vendors such as Quest, BMC, IBM have tools that you might want to look at. Perhaps even Compuware but being an ex Compuware employee I have to be honest that I was never impressed with the tools they "used to have" for oracle monitoring.
Getting the vendors in a price war for a bid is of course the standard way of negotiating.
Personally if you aren't going to want to pay for the new standardized oracle way of doing things I would be tempted to standardize on a set of scripts and do your monitoring the old roll your own way. Drive it from one database via tables that have parameters ( database instance name, host name, who gets email when alerts need to be sent ... etc ).
Lots of people I think have available samples of home grown monitoring tools that do exactly those kinds of things and might be quite useable for a company with a modest number of databases. Received on Fri Jan 05 2007 - 12:11:28 CST