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Thank you for replying, Laurenz
> What exactly do you mean by 'omegas'?
> Do you mean the greek character with UNICODE code point 0x03A9 or 0x03C9
> or are you referring to the five-character string 'omega'?
Omegas are 'Ώ'. That is, not the five character string.
> > The rows are in WE8MSWIN1252 encoding - setting NLS_LANG to
> > GREEK_GREECE.EL8ISO8859P works just fine with sqlplus. However, it
> > doesn't with my clients ( PHP and C ). Using different NLS_LANG
> > combinations seem to make a difference, yet I am still getting charset
> > conversion issues.
> There is no EL8ISO8859P, (Greek would be EL8ISO8859P7).
> Maybe your problem is a typo really.
The typo occurred when I was typing the message - I meant to say 'EL8ISO8859P7'. I am sorry about that.
> On the other hand, if you are trying to store greek characters in a
> database, WE8MSWIN1252 is the wrong database character set for you
> because there are no greek letters in this codepage (the exception being
> "mu", used as "micro" sign, which is UNICODE 0x00B5).
nls_database_parameters.NLS_CHARACTERSET is 'WE8MSWIN1252'.
If I set NLS_LANG properly (i.e export
NLS_LANG=GREEK_GREECE.EL8ISO8859P7 ) and run sqlplus, retrieving the
rows (i.e SELECT columnNames from TABLE ) works just fine - I get the
data back in greek.
Both clients seem to acknowledge the fact that NLS_LANG is defined, for I get different output depending on the value of the NLS_LANG env.variable, however, instead of Greek characters I get either '?' or the 'omega' character I mentioned above. It is as if sqlplus is performing an additional step when it retrieves the rows - a step I may be missing.
> Can you be more detailed on the following points:
> - What is your operating system and Oracle version?
Redhat Linux, ES 3
Oracle Database 10g Express Edition Release - Production
> - What is the system character set when you run
> a) SQL*Plus
> b) PHP
> - What is your database character set?
By that, I assume you mean nls_database_parameters.NLS_CHARACTERSET,
which is == "WE8MSWIN1252"
> - What was the database character set of the database from which the
> export files originate?
According to import:
import done in US7ASCII character set and AL16UTF16 NCHAR character set
import server uses WE8MSWIN1252 character set (possible charset
export client uses EL8ISO8859P7 character set (possible charset
> - What characters cause problems for you?
All greek characters for both PHP and C++ client. Work perfectly with
> - What is the exact setting of NLS_LANG when
> a) things look right with SQL*Plus
GREEK_GREECE.EL8ISO8859P7 ( or any other territory and language
combination, as long as the charset portion is == "EL8ISO8859P7 " )
> b) things look wrong with SQL*Plus
Any other charset value other than "EL8ISO8859P7"
> c) things look wrong with PHP
GREEK_GREECE.EL8ISO8859P7 or basically any other possible value.
> - What exactly do you get instead of the problem characters when it is
> NOT a question mark?
When I use LANG_TERRITORY.UTF8 ( or specify it explicitly using OCIEnvNlsCreate() ), I get something like: ΒΏeΒΏΒΏsΒΏΒΏΒΏΒΏΒΏΒΏ stΒΏΒΏ ΒΏΒΏΒΏΒΏpΒΏ
Thank you very much,
> Yours,
> Laurenz Albe
Received on Mon Jan 08 2007 - 05:25:12 CST