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Home -> Community -> Usenet -> c.d.o.server -> Re: Failed with snapshot replication frequently wrote:
> hi,
> we run three oracle instance on three servers.
> Two slave server maitein snapshot of some table on master server.
> We run three jobs on two slave server to sync. table with master db.
> All DB instances are oracle 8.17.
> Two weeks ago, we added more tables into snapshot sync. lists.
> But, in the past days we met
> two times of snapshot sync. failure.
> when such problem happens, I could exec
> successfully, but there does exist some data
> failed to be syncronized. With full re-sync, there comes ORA12034
> error.
> How could we solve the problem ? Should we add another dbms job ?
> regards
> Joe
I'm sorry but I could not understand your post fully.
oerr ora 12034
12034, 0000, "materialized view log on \"%s\".\"%s\" younger than last
// *Cause: The materialized view log was younger than the last
// *Action: A complete refresh is required before the next fast
I'm assuming that you seem to be intermittently having a problem
you get the above error.
Now, the error is fairly self explanatory in what it says.
When you create a snapshot of a master table, the snapshot
gets registered in the master schema. There are times when
the snapshot fails to get registered. And that is one additional
reason why you can get this error.
If you have metalink account see Note:204127.1 for the diagnosis / troubleshooting of this issue.
Anurag Received on Mon Jan 22 2007 - 13:05:46 CST