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Home -> Community -> Usenet -> c.d.o.server -> Re: Nested SQL query involving multiple tables!
Each table needs its own update statement.
update tab2 t2_alias
set col_c_2 = null
where exists
(select col_a_1
(select col_a_1, col_b_2, col_C_2, count(col_a_1) over (partition by
order by col_a_1) as data_count
from tab1
join tab2 on (col_a_1 = col_a_2)
where col_b_1 = 'true'
where data_count = 1
and col_a_1 = t2_alias.col_a_2)
Perform a similar update for table-1.
<> wrote in message
> On Jan 23, 9:07 pm, "cc" <> wrote:>>
>>> For the above sample records, only the following record
>>> 121 15 Val1
>>> should become
>>> 121 15 null
> This shows the row status without actually performing the update. I > just thought of using something similar to "insert into tab2 values", > but it does not seem to help. > How exactly I should adapt this query to update the Tab2? > Also, for the matched records, the col_b_1 value should be changed to > 'false' from 'true', in the Tab1. > > Can all these be done in a single SQL query? >Received on Wed Jan 24 2007 - 06:34:10 CST