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Home -> Community -> Usenet -> c.d.o.server -> Re: advantages of unix for Oracle
sybrandb wrote:
> I would also always choose Unix instead of Linux, as Linux is just a
> bag of rpms and you always need to assemble your O/S from numerous
> places. In short: in a commercial environment, I want to be able to
> blame someone. If I can buy Oracle + Linux from Oracle, that is a good
> thing, because in that case I can blame one vendor.
I say the opposite. Linux is cheap and stable, the hardware is cheap compared to IBM/Sun. Performance/cost is excellent as well imo. I can't really say I've had to "assemble the O/S from numerous sources". There might be some work to be done the first time you build the platform, but when you've figured out which packages you need, everything runs smooth.
In our environment I'm able to install RedHat and install on two servers in about one hour. And then they're production ready (in regards to OS hardening etc). Are you able to do that with solaris/hp-ux?
I can't find the article now, but Oracle predicted that 50% of their customers would run linux within 2-3 years (numbers from my memory). Which i would argue is another good reason to run linux.
The ability to blame a vendor is highly overrated imho. When I hear people talk about how important there is to be able to blame a vendor, that's usually FUD against free software :)
-- ErikReceived on Wed Jan 17 2007 - 07:31:47 CST