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Home -> Community -> Usenet -> c.d.o.server -> Re: Case insensitive search napisał:
> When we set the following parameters on the client machine with alter
> session it works fine and we get case insensitive searches but when we
> try to set this in spfile it only affects the sessions on the database
> machine:
> nls_comp='LINGUISTIC'
> Is there any way we can change this settings at the instance level so
> that we don't have to use logon trigger to set this parameters at
> session level?
You already changed them on the instance level - check nls_instance_parameters, but probably your client machines have NLS_LANG set. So nls_session_parameters for these sessions derived value from NLS_LANG.
Best greetings,
Received on Wed Jan 31 2007 - 08:03:15 CST