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Home -> Community -> Usenet -> c.d.o.server -> Re: Oracle Announces Upgrade to Oracle(r) SQL Developer
Preston wrote:
> You seem to have completely misunderstood my post. I'm not saying
> commercial posts should be allowed in c.d.o.s, I'm saying I wish you'd
> stop replying to them through the group as it just adds to the noise, &
> propogates threads that wouldn't otherwise appear on some feeds.
> If you want to ask the spammers to only post to marketplace, then do so
> by email - that's all I'm asking.
I did misunderstand: Sorry.
If we just ignore it do you think it will go away? I don't. I take the time to report each one to their ISP or company management and I know a few others here do too. I believe it is one of the reasons we get so little compared with other unmoderated usenet groups. And I only respond to spam that is Oracle related as I know the spammer more likely cares about their reputation in the community. The hit-and-run spammer promoting porn or whatever I ignore as I know they don't care.
I hope this clarifies it and be assured that when more than a small percentage of emails agree with you I will change what I do. It is not my intention to ignore or rebuff anyone but neither is it my desire the ignore the majority opinion.
-- Daniel A. Morgan University of Washington (replace x with u to respond) Puget Sound Oracle Users Group www.psoug.orgReceived on Thu Jan 18 2007 - 11:21:32 CST