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Home -> Community -> Usenet -> c.d.o.server -> Re: Manual update / replication on a live database?
Steve Howard wrote:
> sybrandb wrote:
> > Nonsense.
> > The 'solution' of Mr. Hinsdale is *extreemly* complicated, and you
> > won't have ANY downtime using a standby database.
> > The only thing that can go wrong is unreadable archives (as a result of
> > the copy procedure) and/or not all archives being applied.
> >
> > --
> > Sybrand Bakker
> > Senior Oracle DBA
> How are you going to do a standby with no downtime and no connectivity?
> He has already stated (multiple times, from what I can see) the
> requirements it can't be changed. You can complain all you want, per
> usual, but you aren't writing the checks.
> When you continue to propose a 'solution' that is not technically
> feasible for a given set of circumstances, *that* is nonsense, not to
> mention a waste of the most recent 90 seconds of my life.
Apparently you are unaware Dataguard will just wait forever for the
correct archives to arrive.
So no need for any downtime.
If you are such an expert you know a much better 'solution', why do you
bother to flame someone instead of providing that solution? Probably
because you just don't have one and you rather waste your time flaming
-- Sybrand Bakker Senior Oracle DBAReceived on Wed Jan 03 2007 - 09:22:17 CST