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Home -> Community -> Usenet -> c.d.o.server -> Re: charset for kangi
On Jan 30, 10:19 am, ehilah <> wrote:
> I have to create in instance on which I'll have euoropen characters and
> kangi charactes (english, italian, french ,german ,sweden and kangi ...)
> is correct to use utf8 character set ? or is it better to use al16utf16
> by
> PP
The database character set must support single byte entries in the data dictionary, so AL32UTF8 is a good choice. The national character set may be multi-byte so AL16UTF16 is allowed there. Normal data types (char, varchar2, clob) use the database character set and national data types (nchar, nvarchar2, nclob) use the national character set. Usually you will want most of your data in the database character set (and using 1 byte per character) with several table columns using the national character set to save names, addresses, etc. Received on Tue Jan 30 2007 - 11:30:06 CST