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c.d.o.server: by subject
- "Copy to file" in Oracle GUI is Disabled
- "order by" performance behavior
- 10053 Interpretation....
- 10g ASM Pros and Cons
- 10g License Issue - Development Vs Production License - Enterprise Edition
- 10g Release 2 RAC Standard Edition - Redhat ES 4.0 Update 2 x86
- 10gr2 Catalog access issues
- 10gR2 is out for x86 Solaris
- 10GR2 Rac/ RHEL interconnect/network speed
- 10gv2: install SNMP
- 8.1.7 on Fedora
- 8i on Redhat 3.0 or Redhat 4.0 ?!
- 900 distinct values, yet density yields 0.5??
- 9i Client install on 8i Server running machine
- 9iR2 Maint Install
- <%><%><%><%>HOW TO BE FUNNY!<%><%><%><%>
- [FAQ] Oracle Database FAQ
- [pl/sql] procedure making mysql script
- Adding Second Database in oracle 10g
- advanced security, encryption and replication
- after servererror trigger to log failed logons
- Alias for a CASE WHEN expression in a SELECT cannot be used in GROUP BY?
- Alter user and special char " in password : what is the trick ?
- Amjad Daoud, OMLET Spammer Extraordinaire In Person
- Analytics/Aggregate resources....
- ANSI join
- Any SSH libraries out there for Oracle DB?
- Apache httpd dies for no obvious reason.
- App server 10g will not install on AIX 5.3
- Application authorization for a database user
- AQ Installing
- Are you a NO waiting or wanting to be KATrinized/MS13'ed/DB18'ed?
- Are you a NO waiting to be Katrinized?
- Article about Oracle10.2 and FC5 on ORACLE-BASE is misleading
- authenticate DB users against Windows Server
- Automatic Shared Memory Management
- Backup of files when using ASM
- Bandwidth used by 10g R2 Grid Manager
- Best way to learn Oracle?
- BIN$ junk
- Buffer busy wait clarification
- bug: pl/sql object generating function executes too many times
- bulk insert - to make it faster
- Can we have any correlation between ODBC & OCI transaction openning modes?
- Can't connect to Express 10g 'homepage'
- Cancellazione istanza di Oracle
- Cannot drop a column with a long data type
- Caricamento dump da zero...
- catcpu - oct 2005 - for anew database instance
- Catcpu.sql + January 2006 + New Database
- certification
- Change LISTENER port - effect on 10g OEM Database Control
- Changing host name and IP address
- Character set
- Choose a partition key LIKELY TO BE UPDATED
- Choose or Rule with Data Dictionary
- Clobs and DBMS_LOB
- clustering factor and uniqueness
- Compatibility between Forms 6.0.8, client 8.0.6 and Server
- Connect to remote oracle database on a different domain via ODBC
- Connecting multisite Databases
- Conversion From Fmt to Fmb Create ros.log file
- Convert Mysql table schema to Oracle table
- converting .dmp to .csv
- Copy cold backup to another DB
- copy data
- Copying the PL/SQL web toolkit
- Correct order of turning on services in 10gR1 on Win XP Pro.
- Could not find ini_trans information for IOT table?
- Crack Oracle passwords like a peanut!
- crack your dba's password for 99 cents -- all proceeds help Erik Castello recover from 40% loss of his cranium
- Crack your DBA's password for 99 cents with Xg for oracle10g
- Create database link from inside a stored procedure
- create table as select with different execution plan
- create varray in oracle trigger and pass it to java stored procedure
- Creating a 'library cache pin' wait for testing.
- creating/using type dynamically
- DA Morgan shakes his fake balls at St. Patrick day
- Data Entry in Oracle
- Data exchange with Oracle financials
- Data guard
- Database ID
- Database link from 9i to 10g
- Database Link Question
- Database Migration
- Database Restore
- DatabaseMetaData.getColumns() returns 0 fileds when create a synonym on?
- DB Block size and JFS2
- db buffer cache advisory clarification
- db_Writer performance
- DBCA-00016: Unable to copy seed database.
- DBMS_LDAP againts Active Directory
- DEFERRABLE check constraint on IOT not working?
- Delete trigger order of execution with on_delete_cascade
- deleting records that match other table
- Designer 9i Clean-up?
- determining usage of histograms
- difference between cache buffer lru chain and cache buffers chains
- Different OS versions between Test and Prod
- Disabling/enabling all constraints/triggers for a schema
- Dubai Ports chose Xg for Oracle 10g to run six American ports and Danial Morgan Ass
- dynamic sql
- dynamic sql - output actual string that includes all values from bind variables...
- Dynamically recreating indexes on materialized views
- empty block vs no. freelist blocks
- Enabling parallel DML
- Enterprise Manager (dbconsole)
- Equivalent of UNIX hear document on Windows NT
- error
- error 12560 causing webservices slowdown
- error during rman cloning
- Error on AIX.
- Error while trying to create Recovery Catalog
- Exception signal 11
- explain plan
- Explain plan - is there a way to find order of join tables
- Export
- Export does not work after applying patch p4163445_92070_WINNT in oracle 9i
- ext3 vs ext2 on linux
- external table
- Extreme delay in inserting data
- FAQ - Etiquette - and how to get an answer
- FC5 and Oracle 10g
- Fetching BLOB headers through java.
- FGA based on a complex join
- Filesystem space not freed when drop tablespace
- finding ranges and gaps in the range
- For Oracle masters!
- FORALL Insert error into ORA-00947 - Too many values...
- Force *all* possible join orders during 10053 trace
- Fraud Attempt Directed At Oracle Developers/DBAs
- Fresher DBA!!!
- Full disclosure for better Oracle security or better have Danial Morgan on the rags
- Function to get partial Oracle version
- Garbage in adhoc char columns
- get the sql producing lock
- Get the sql query in oracle trigger
- Getting currval from a sequence with out incrementing nextval
- getting DDL audit to work
- GUID to CHAR conversion function?
- gzip syntax for cold backup
- HASH vs NESTED LOOP join: when is one better than the other ?
- Have you ever considered of mousing ambidextrously?
- HELP PLEASE - Designer 9i Won't Start Now
- help understand my lock
- Help with constraints on object relational tables
- Help. How to search for text with a CASE WHEN cmd?
- Help: Replace non-number to number
- high availability
- High CPU Query
- history triggers
- Hooks for deploy / undeploy events for J2EE applications on OC4J 10g
- how can i do to get a log exp in french ?
- how can see my database is in pfile or spfile mode ?
- how do i alter the value of MAXLOGHISTORY, and take it effect?
- How do I trace hanging "connect / as sysdba"?
- How do I view SYS_REFCURSOR output parameters in TOAD?
- how does CBO handle old statistics
- How does one find various session parameters
- how does Oracle do field comparisons with good performance ?
- how is multi user concurrent READ enabled with oracle
- how to avoid huge XMLELEMENT
- how to call external exe from Database Trigger
- How to change host name and IP address
- How to disable foreign key constraints in a stored procedure?
- How to find the runtime for a Stored Proc
- how to find unused table /columns in a database
- how to find unused/unwanted tables/columns in database
- how to get correct info on freelists?
- How to resolve error '80040e14'
- hpux 11.0 hpux 11i
- iconic button
- Identifying duplicate records
- Import + Sequences
- import image to table
- Improving performance on global temp tables
- In line queries......
- In-doubt Transactions?
- Index Range Scans....
- Indexes and Foreign Keys
- indexing issue, need alternate solution to improve the query performance
- Infinite Rows?
- Insert / update in big tables
- insert on oracle db question
- Inserting in partition, only going to maxvalue????
- Install XE client on Suse
- Installation of patchset 3 for Oracle
- Installation problem: Oracle 9i on WinXP
- Interview Questions(Oracle9i DBA), help me
- interview today - urgent req. //// BEA weblogic portal developer
- Is sthere any way to find what sql stataements were run between two points in time
- Is This the varchar2 ZLS Issue?
- Is thjere a way to find all sql satements run by a session
- Issue with Oracle listener
- Janet Burleson has her breasts reinflated, new tires too!
- java.sql.SQLException: Bigger type length than Maximum
- JDBC Driver extremely slow??
- JDBC error - data cannot be loaded
- ksu process alloc latch yield
- Latch process in Shared pool
- less than, index and string
- Like OracleXE
- Linking varrays in 2 separate tables
- Linux updates
- Listener problem on 10g - db registration on non-default listeners??
- Locks during CREATE MVIEW without building it
- Log user account lockouts
- Logical standby from VMS 9.2 to HPUX 9.2
- lots of waiting on 'db file parallel write'
- Lowest, currently supported version on Solaris 2.8
- lsnrctl security
- Magic of varchar2
- Mainframes Vs. Oracle
- make: Fatal error in reader: Badly formed macro assignment
- making dynamic select in oracle
- many Union all vs. inserting results to temp table
- Might be simple, but cant do it!: Connect to Oracle with NT account
- Migrate with exp + imp
- migrating data from mysql to oracle.
- migration from 9i to 10g - any PL/SQL and Trigger issues ?
- Millisecs in Oracle
- Missing Archivelog Backup Files
- Mit Linux Suse 9.1 / PHP auf Oracle zugreifen
- Multiple Oracle 9i Listeners on Win2k3 and Timezones...
- need code for Bulk inserts
- Need query for which session is on which RAC instance
- Need some sample queries to practice.
- Need to understand Oracle 10g architecture
- nested loop anti join vs hash anti join
- new to CBO - statistics / explain plan question
- NOT NULL constraint & value too large during import
- NULLs are now always NULLs ?
- Number of Columns in a table.
- Number of threads is twice the number of sessions with 10.2 on Windows platform
- oc4j native library load error ...
- One OS user for two installations
- online redefinition used too much undo segment?
- ora-01122 ora-01207
- ORA-06512 when I put JOB_DBMS.INTERVAL
- ORA-12414: internal LBAC error
- ORA-12638 Credential retrieval failed
- ORA-4030 out of process memory
- Oracle 10g - Putting a where clause on a column with a check constraint.
- oracle 10g bug or sth wrong of my code?
- Oracle 10g Database Web Interfaces
- Oracle 10g Documentation.
- Oracle 10g Streaming
- Oracle 10g: Advanced Replication and Streams
- Oracle 10Gr2 and EM(agent) problem(s)
- oracle 7.3 and windows 2000 server SP4
- Oracle 8.1.7 problem creating simple materialized view
- Oracle 9.2 client installatiion on Windows 2003 server (32 bit)
- Oracle 9i Advanced Replication
- Oracle 9i and request log
- Oracle 9i RMAN backup on Solaris 9
- Oracle 9i TNS Listener service
- Oracle and PHP question
- Oracle and small tables
- Oracle Application and laptops
- Oracle benchmark
- Oracle connection
- Oracle Database 10g Release 2 ( for Solaris Operating System (x86-64)
- Oracle Error: Cusor invalidated due to Parallel Execution
- Oracle export error
- oracle installation on Windows Home edition
- Oracle Introduces Oracle(r) SQL Developer - Free, Database Development Tool
- Oracle License Control and Management
- Oracle News
- Oracle on AIX and NT Groups
- Oracle performace degradation problem
- Oracle performance and swapping on Tru 64
- Oracle performance with C#
- Oracle Programs like SQL*Plus not accessible under Win Xp Prof.
- Oracle RAC 10g_r2: Oracle Notification Server Configuration Assistant - FAILED
- Oracle RAC for scalability or High Availability only
- Oracle RDBMS version 11 status?
- Oracle should have a new hint "INDEX_COL(tname,colname)".
- Oracle Sorts Using Single-Threaded Temp File
- ORacle trasancation failure
- Oracle uptime monitoring
- Oracle Wins Summary Judgment in Patent Infringement Suit
- Oracle's shopping spree
- Oracle-RMAN-Backup on NFS-Linux-Server
- Oracle10g V$SESSION can't get "jdbc thin client" information in PROGRAM field
- Oralce 10g2/RAC on AIX. ASM or GPFS?
- ORDER BY - using index
- pagination of oracle
- Password protect DBA role
- patches 4069364 and 4205998 for Oracle 9i (needed for AutoDesk Map 2006)
- Performance Issues on Insert Statement to Remote Table
- performance problems with hierarchical query and outer join
- perl.exe consuming all cpu
- Permission to the Oracle database table
- php code from plsql using owa htp.p
- Ping and Oracle
- PIPELINE FUNCTION varchar parameters no rows returned
- PL/SQL code formatters
- PL/SQL Toolkit - deleting cookies?
- Please help! Oracle 10g repository creation quesiton
- plsql statement for login
- PO guaranteed - 13 months project in Sunnyvale, California - ETL developer with Oracle ERP Experience
- Populating 10G XE table with time AND date through VB.Net
- Possibility of importing older dump to newer db server
- powerfull Oracle specifications PC
- Preventing compilations......
- Problem connecting to 10g DB server after standing up on network
- Problem connecting to Apache and iSqlPlus
- Problem Solving Skills for Engineers
- problem using enterprise URL
- Problem with LONG datatypes
- Problem with XMLType transform
- Problems loading java package to database
- procedure making mysql script
- Python vs. PL/SQL for Oracle work
- Query Matrix.....Complex?
- Query Runs faster in 10G
- query which compares values within a table
- QUESTION: Install frustration on Windows
- QUESTION: Latest CPU thinks I have a db running
- Quick question about triggers and replication
- RAC and undo tablespace
- RAC Question
- RAC Specifications
- RAC unexpected reboot of nodes
- RAW devices
- Reducing coding of insert into.. select statement
- Regarding SHUTDOWN Options
- regarding the use of DB Links while using Joins in Tables
- Relocating undo tablespace
- Remote connection to Oracle XE fails.
- removal of Oracle software files via McAfee anti-virus software
- Remove duplicates from a field possible?
- Replace non-number to number
- Replace System01.dbf
- Request propagation (multimaster replication) from trigger?
- Request you to join a new group for all jobs.
- Required Document for deployment
- Restricting Oracle to one processor in a two-processor box?
- Retreiving future record based on price movement
- rman
- RMAN blockrecover uses full backups only
- RMAN Error on Linux -
- RMAN question
- RMAN restore and parallelism
- rman restore backup of noarchive database to another server
- rownum & group by question
- Ryan Shane: "it felt like the doctor was putting his fist up my rear end" and would like to work for Microsoft!
- select LONG RAW column into BLOB column?
- Setting up Oracle 10g & Oracle Spatial / MapViewer for learning single PC
- sga_max_size - pre-allocated at instance startup?
- skgpspawn failed:category
- SLA 1500-euro fine because of CREATE MVIEW locks...
- slightly OT - cleaning up "dirty" keys?
- snapshot and cursor
- SQL command line unusable in Linux?
- SQL ID with large Version Count encountered
- SQL Partition Clause
- SQL query to get SID? (SID != service name?)
- sqlldr
- sqlldr : How to upload records where all columns are null
- SSLHandShake Exception while creating proxy fot .Net Secured WebService in JDeveloper
- SSO and authenticating a java client
- Standby Database on Oracle 10g Standard Edition ?
- standby db creation with RMAN-06136 and ORA-19723
- starting oracle service dbconsole error
- Statspack analysis
- Still Need Help ...
- stored outlines question
- storing tnsnames in 10g OID
- Strange behavior - recursive sql
- streams
- subtotaling by weekly
- Sun E10K vs IBM S80
- Sun T1 Processer - Cool Threads
- sys.dual? index?
- Tables created to hold temporay data. Good or Bad?
- Temp TBS issue
- The in-efficiency of the Oracle Server
- Thesaurus management system for Oracle Text databases
- Toad does not show any tables in schema browser
- transaction lock (TX) on table block with PK
- trigger or job ?
- Trigger Question
- truncate /*+append*/
- Tuning - using more than one partition
- Tuning Question......
- Tuning: which applications are writing too much
- Understanding histograms
- Unnecessary Users and Schemas?
- Update TAble problem
- updation problem
- upgrade from oracle to
- Urgent :- Unable to deploy EAR file in Oracle application server
- User program name without V$SESSION
- USER pseudocolumn
- Using a certificate as login account to Oracle
- Using Analytics......
- Using external table to load files with fixed pattern
- utl_file_dir in RAC
- VB.Net connection to Oracle 10G database
- VB6 pro & oracle express 10g
- VB6 pro & oracle express 10g From: Philippe Martin <pmartin@snakecard.com> Reply-To: pmartin@snakecard.com Date: Thursday 23 March 2006 02:21:06 pm Groups: comp.lang.basic.visual.database no references
- version awareness in sql script.
- Very slow sqlplus connect with 10G
- VERY URGENT REQ. //// PO GUARANTEED /// - 13 months project in Sunnyvale, California - ETL developer with Oracle ERP Experience
- What DB diagrams needed?
- What does "koh-kghu call " mean?
- What does the optimizer do with a 2-bucket histogram ?
- What's "index scans kdiixs1" on Statspack mean?
- when to use paritition for a table or index?
- Which cols are part of the primary key?
- Why use Java Stored Procedures....
- Will analytics help?
- WOW! 200% SGA Usage!!
- Xg for 10g: Count your Oracle server holes!
- Xg: the Ultimate Oracle 10g Security Product of 2006
- XMLQuery select gives "PLS-00801: internal error"
- Last message date: Fri Mar 31 2006 - 23:44:14 CST
- Archived on: Sat Apr 01 2006 - 00:02:09 CST