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Home -> Community -> Usenet -> c.d.o.server -> Re: QUESTION: Latest CPU thinks I have a db running
I found a metalink note outlining what the patch process does. The following code appears to only check for the existence of an init.ora file in the /dbs directory of the home being patched.
I like the note that there's "no foolproof way to determine this"
In my installation, the init files for each db are held in a db-specific admin directory, and we use symlinks in the dbs directories instead of the actual files.
So perhaps this 'error' can be ignored?
#Verify that no database is running, this is ok for pre 8i, however
#at 8i and after there is no fool proof way to determine this with
#100% confidence...
if $SHUTDOWN; then
ps -ef | grep smon | grep -v grep | cut -d_ -f3 > $SIDLIST
for sid in `cat $SIDLIST`
if [ -f $ORACLE_HOME/dbs/init$sid.ora ]; then
echo "Seems that some databases in $ORACLE_HOME are active" echo "Patch installation aborted" echo "Found instance: $sid open" rm $SIDLIST exit 1