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I just received the assignement to make a batch 'go faster' on Oracle and AIX 5.
To summarize this batch does :
- take a file on on machine to fill a temporary table(size between 100K
and 500K).
- check on a 22M table and a 15M table(product and product/account link)
if the external ids corresponds to existing internal ids(reject those
who don't).
- Check on another 15M table (product line) if the value exists(flag to
update if it does).
- if flagged for insert :
Insert into the 15M table .
Insert 10 lines into a 150 million table(product line usage) this way
INSERT INTO product_line_usage product_line_id,usage_value_n,field_n
10 times.
-if flagged for update : Update the 15 M table
Update 10 times the product_line_usage table.
The product_line and product_line_usage have an unique index on product_line_id and product_line_id resp. They are noparallel,logging.
It seems from the first trace files i've managed to get that most of the elapsed time is spent in the inserts for the time being.
Since i wont be able to test directly the efficiency of my modifications i'm going to explain what i intend to do. If you have better ideas, remarks please let me know.
Set all involved tables parallel, nologging for the duration of the batch(who will pass alone on the machine).
Don't touch the file to database operation.
then merge /*+APPEND PARALLEL*/ INTO product_line USING (SELECT
product_line_id ,values from temp_table,product,product_account where
joins) ON (product_line_id=product_line_id)
merge /*+APPEND PARALLEL*/ INTO product_line_usage USING (SELECT
product_line_id ,usage_val,values from
temp_table,product,product_account,usage_values_table where joins(no
join on the usage_values_table)) ON (product_line_id=product_line_id AND USAGE_VAL = USAGE_VAL) INSERT UPDATES set field_val = case when usage_val = n then field_n end
Reject into file : SELECT * FROM TEMP_TABLE WHERE EXTERNAL_ID NOT IN (SELECT EXTERNAL ID FROM product,product_account where joins)
What do you think ?
Bertrand Guillaumin
Received on Wed Mar 22 2006 - 01:42:42 CST