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Home -> Community -> Usenet -> c.d.o.server -> VB.Net connection to Oracle 10G database
First things first - I'm very new at Oracle!
I have installed Oracle 10G XE on an XP Pro computer & have created 3 blank tables using the web GUI interface from Oracle. All fine so far. My next step is to fill the tables with data via VB.Net.
I am using the example at:
to connect to my table.
At the moment my VB.Net application is running on the same computer as Oracle, though the next step will be to have the application running on a different machine. Small steps first.
Also, my aim was to bypass the tsnames.ora through the use of a full connection string as per the example - seems easier at the moment.
So, I have this VB.Net code:
Dim oradb As String = "Data Source=(DESCRIPTION=" _
+ "User Id=SYSTEM;Password=opswd;"
Dim conn As New Oracle.DataAccess.Client.OracleConnection(oradb) ' VB.NET
conn.ConnectionString = oradb
Running it gets to the conn.Open() line where it stops with error:
"ORA-12514: TNS:listener does not currently know of service requested in connect descriptor"
I believe my username & password are correct, but am completely unsure about what should go into the 'SERVICE_NAME=' field. I've been reading all day including places saying SERVICE_NAME is the same as SID and done some SQL to get the SID but all I get is a number (28) which doesn't work either.
Can anyone let me know exactly what should go in this field (or where I can find it)? Or possibly the error is actually telling me of a problem elsewhere in the string?
Dave Received on Tue Mar 21 2006 - 01:22:51 CST