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Home -> Community -> Usenet -> c.d.o.server -> Re: VB.Net connection to Oracle 10G database
On Tue, 21 Mar 2006 15:22:51 +0800, Dave Baker <>
>"ORA-12514: TNS:listener does not currently know of service requested in >connect descriptor" > >I believe my username & password are correct, but am completely unsure about >what should go into the 'SERVICE_NAME=' field.
Further to this, I did the following:
SELECT sid, serial#, client_identifier, service_name, action, module FROM V$SESSION and get the following:
"28","54","SYSTEM:1589891410295048","SYS$USERS","PAGE 1204","APEX:APPLICATION
My SID of 28 has a Service Name of 'SYS$USERS', but using that doesn't make
any difference in the connection string.
What worries me now is that I have 3 tables (vessel_data, vessel_group and vessel_properties) but it doesn't appear that my connection string is pointing to any of them anywhere, and I don't see any reference to them above)
Dave Received on Tue Mar 21 2006 - 01:58:12 CST