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Home -> Community -> Usenet -> c.d.o.server -> Re: For Oracle masters!
blarut wrote:
> I am testing Oracle
> I have small table (76,000 records). I have index on one column. I am
> testing 100 queries which use this index (WHERE indexed_column =...) I
> am using also utbstat and utestat statistic. and I see that my 100
> queries don't make any I/O operations. I try it a lot of time and still
> the same. I test it after startup the instance so the data should't be
> in cache. Could you explain it?
Do you have timed statistics turned on?
>From metalink Note:62161.1
Take care with information presented in this section as it is now very common for files to be striped or managed by a volume manager so there is not any obvious relationship between each Oracle file and the physical disks. Note too that an Oracle IO is a call to the OS to perform an IO operation and may not result in a physical disk IO. For this reason OS statistics should be used when looking at tuning IO throughput.
What are you testing? What version are you on? Platform? Where can I go to get my jeans embroidered?
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