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Home -> Community -> Usenet -> c.d.o.server -> Re: Indexes and Foreign Keys
Richard Foote wrote:
> I agree one would hopefully only delete a PK value if all the child rows are
> already gone (Oracle won't like it otherwise unless you cascade delete of
> course) but the question is how does Oracle confirm there are no matching FK
> values? Yes lookup parent tables are mostly small, but the child tables
> could be large, very very large.
> And the only way for Oracle to confirm there's nothing in these potentially
> massive child tables that could violate a parent record being deleted is to
> use a suitable index on the FK column or perform an expensive full table
> scan.
> A common problem I come across is not indexing those FKs where parent values
> are commonly deleted, especially when performance of the delete operation is
> at issue.
> Cheers
> Richard
And one might point out that many people, Tom Kyte included, are strong advocates of IOTs. You'll not be dropping the primary key easily.
-- Daniel A. Morgan (replace x with u to respond)Received on Mon Mar 13 2006 - 10:40:23 CST