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Home -> Community -> Usenet -> c.d.o.server -> Re: Explain plan - is there a way to find order of join tables
On 27 Mar 2006 10:11:46 -0800, wrote:
>Orace 9i, HP UNX 11i
>I have gotten an explian plan using v$sql_plan using
>dbms_xplan.display table function (I also tried set autotrace on woith
>same results..).
> Plan shows me various nested loops (for vaious joins) but is there
>any way for me to find the order of join tables, i.e., which table was
>starting driving table (e.g., tablea), which table it was joined with
>(e.g, tableb), which table was tableb joined with (table c) etc.
>Without this information it is quite hard
You'll need to learn the explain plan output If you have
nested loops full table scan dept full table scan emp
dept is the driving table.
-- Sybrand Bakker, Senior Oracle DBAReceived on Mon Mar 27 2006 - 12:34:22 CST