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On Thu, 02 Mar 2006 05:37:12 -0800, dananrg wrote:
> Although I'd love to see some healthy debate about Oracle Spatial vs.
> ESRI ArcSDE (Spatial Database Engine). Actually, ArcSDE is nice because
> it's supported on all major RDBMS platforms (e.g. Oracle, SQL Server,
> DB2, etc) and migration isn't a huge issue. Fight it out, but I'll bow
> out and enjoy the fireworks.
Oracle SPatial is
"give the the phone numbers of the rural emergency contacts within a 200 mile buffer of the train derailment and resulting environmental spill. I don't care about the pitcure - I need to start making phone calls."
With a typical GIS engine, this is either not possible or needs a second step (list the communities, go to a second system and extract the phone numbers) whereas Oracle Spatial allows it in one SQL statement and it can involve multiple databases via db links & heterogeneous services.
So I see ArcSDE a vendor lock-in thing <LOL>
I admit that my knowledge of ESRI is no longer 'current' and freely accept and invite updates.
-- Hans Forbrich Canada-wide Oracle training and consulting mailto: *** Top posting [replies] guarantees I won't respond. ***Received on Thu Mar 02 2006 - 07:55:52 CST