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Home -> Community -> Usenet -> c.d.o.server -> Re: Apache httpd dies for no obvious reason. wrote:
> ( Oracle 9iAS on RedHat 6.2 w/ /usr/local/jdk1.2.2/bin/java -version
> java version "1.2.2"
> Classic VM (build Linux_JDK_1.2.2_RC4, native threads, sunwjit))
> Once in a while the HTTP listenneer dies giving the below entries in
> the error log file.
> First there are alot of these, which is normal:
> [Fri Mar 3 10:02:56 2006] [debug] opm_ew.c(253): OPM: EW enters process
> monitoring loop
> [Fri Mar 3 10:02:59 2006] [debug] opm_ew.c(253): OPM: EW enters process
> monitoring loop
> Then something bad happens and the HTTP listener decides to exit:
> [Fri Mar 3 10:03:01 2006] [info] OPM: EW is exiting with sig=1073929500
> Then it starts killling the child processes (which is too normal):
> [Fri Mar 3 10:03:03 2006] [warn] child process 16997 still did not
> exit, sending a SIGTERM
> [Fri Mar 3 10:03:03 2006] [warn] child process 16998 still did not
> exit, sending a SIGTERM
> etc..
> I've reviewed the access log file for suspected entries. For example if
> a client somehow called a buggy app I should see the same call in the
> access log before it dies but I can't find any reasonable pattern.
> The HTTPd dies a couple times per 24h, the system resources are not
> heavily utilised.
> Any info on this would very appreciated, thanks.
> Rgds
> /PL
Hallo Per,
both your Redhat and the Java version seem quite old. Are you sure 9iAS is certified on those versions?
Gerard Received on Wed Mar 08 2006 - 13:25:37 CST