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Home -> Community -> Usenet -> c.d.o.server -> Re: Remote connection to Oracle XE fails.
On Mon, 27 Mar 2006 17:27:14 +0100, Jim Smith <>
>>I am then trying to configure the connection to Oracle Database XE Server,
>>using the Oracle Database Express Edition 2 Day DBA:
>>SQL> connect system/opswd_at_192.168.101.45
>You need to specify a HOST and a database.
>connect system/opswd@//
Actually the above link says that the database (service_name) is optional, and in my case I did have XE as the default. Same link also says the "//" is optional
>The IP address here doesn't match the one above,
Yeah, I cocked that up - my copy/paste went crazy. Even with the correct IP address I still had no access.
>but if that isn't the
>problem, it is likely to be a Windows firewall issue.
Damn - you are 100% correct. I had disabled the firewall on the client, but the Microsoft Firewall was still running on the server - I really wish the Microsoft Firewall would pop up alerts when an intrusion was noticed!
Thanks for your help - SQL Plus & browser access now working perfectly by remote. Next step is to get my own software running remotely.
Dave Received on Mon Mar 27 2006 - 20:17:52 CST