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Home -> Community -> Usenet -> c.d.o.server -> Re: Python vs. PL/SQL for Oracle work schrieb:
> For my specific use case, I have other reasons for doing what I'm
> doing. One is being able to access tabular data from Oracle and
> geospatial data (via geoprocessing operations using ESRI's ArcGIS
> Desktop suite of products), from the same environment, e.g. Python
> (which is ESRI's scripting language of choice). Sorry I didn't mention
> this up front. We don't plan on using Oracle Spatial, which is another
> battle I'm unwilling to fight at this particular moment.
Ok, so how does your setup look like?
Does this ArcGIS sit on another server and accesses the oracle data like
any other client?
In that case, portability between databases isn't an issue since python doesn't enter the database. If you want to construct a portability issue it ought to be "What if we change the GIS?", right?
Or is it something that runs in the database itself? Anyway, if you use a ready made product, there aren't many choices.
And do you want to do something with python that exists outside the GIS, like enforcing constraints or so?
We need to know more in order to help you here.
Lots of Greetings!
Received on Thu Mar 02 2006 - 08:40:28 CST