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I have a proc that is very similar to the example "Demonstration Of
Dynamic SQL Statement Creation" in Morgan's library found at
Now and then I have to extend it and due to the amount of parameters, it's getting difficult to maintain it.
Is it somehow possible to use an array-like type after "using"?
Something like this:
type lta is table of varchar2(127) index by binary integer
l_params lta;
i number : = 0;
l_sql varchar2(200) := 'select....';
if p_a is not null then
l_sql := l_sql || ' and a = :X' || i;
i := i + 1;
end if;
[ many more similar if blocks ]
open p_cursor for l_sql using l_params;
The above code does *not* work (in perl it would :-) ), it's just to show what I mean...
--ph Received on Fri Mar 10 2006 - 15:37:35 CST