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Home -> Community -> Usenet -> c.d.o.server -> Re: Oracle 10Gr2 and EM(agent) problem(s)
DA Morgan wrote:
>And by cutting "the problem" out of the thread ... I am left with no
>idea the issue. Snipping for brevity is appreciated. Whacking 100% is
>has a different value.
If you don't have a threaded newsreader, you can look at the message
headers and find the Message-ID:, cut and paste that into a google
advanced groups search ( there is a field for
message ID), then view thread. All you need is a browser, internet
access, and not be too wasted to accurately cut-and-paste. Thunderbird
has a toggle to view headers:
I agree, proper editing is preferred. That is a skill and takes learning and practice.
-- is bogus. on Wed Mar 08 2006 - 17:07:29 CST