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Home -> Community -> Usenet -> c.d.o.server -> Re: how to find unused table /columns in a database wrote:
> hello
> we are using oracle 9i production database and d2k 6i applications.
> is there any way by which i can find the tables/ columns that are not
> in used by applications. So that i can move them out from our
> production database.
> can anyone throw some light how to do it.
> regards
If such tables are unused now, who is to say when they will be needed? Removing any table/column from a packaged application is asking for the application to fail at some point in time. If you have tables which are not used, what is the issue? They consume little space (presumably), do not extend, aren't queried and thererfore should have little, if any, effect on the application.
The tables in the application were designed and created with purpose. Simply because they don't meet your immediate needs is no indication they should be moved.
David Fitzjarrell Received on Thu Mar 16 2006 - 10:43:09 CST