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Home -> Community -> Usenet -> c.d.o.server -> Oracle performance with C#
We have an old DLL written with Visual C++, no MFC. The DLL construct a
fairly complex sql dynamically and send it to an Oracle 9 or 10 server.
We recently ported the code as a web service written in C# with .NET
1.1. We ran comparative performance statistics to ensure that our new
implementation would be as fast as the 10 years old, very mature and
very optimized version. Here are the results:
When the SQL is first send:
C++ : avg=655ms, std=1100ms
C# : avg=672ms, std=1146ms
When we repeat the same search again:
C++ : avg=178ms, std=166ms
C# : avg=78ms, std=66ms
Our conclusions are:
(Measurement was done in both case thru call of QueryPerformanceCounter and ...Freq. Received on Tue Mar 21 2006 - 14:40:36 CST