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Home -> Community -> Usenet -> c.d.o.server -> Re: Relocating undo tablespace
Herod wrote:
> V$FILESTAT is a good, but simply restarting the instance gets rid of
> any historical data you might have.
> With only using SAR and V$FILESTAT, without storing that information in
> another container (spool or > for example) , Unless you own one of the
> fancy monitoring tools, statspack is the most common thing we all
> share.
> The statspack gives you the point in time comparisions from before and
> after, you can compare individual sql statements before and after if
> you did higher level snapshots (or lower... whatever the proper usage
> is)
> It gives you something to go to management with, not "it seems slower,
> our reads today are a little slower and the users say it is slow".
> Instead it lets you go with something like " payroll generation for
> class C pay used to take 7mins 10 seconds on average. Now after the
> move it takes 18 mins 12 seconds on average. The SA doesn't believe me
> because his tools say life is great because he can only look back to
> the move date. Plus the GL ledger query for the Greenbook used to take
> 53 seconds to extract. Now it takes 3 minutes 8 seconds, that query is
> ran and average of 50 times a day over our busy month end adding
> significant impact to the system. The files for those database objects
> are all on the new LUN. Here Mr/Mrs Manager is a few pieces of paper
> and a fancy graph (apex and SVG off of the perfstat tables - what a
> thing of joy and wonder) . Go tell him to fix it or get a new SA.
> As for Ed - Sorry, English is my third spoken/written language. I do
> the best I can... .go get de-stressed. You are stressed if you are
> knitpicking grammar in a public forum.
Well, I'm not stressed, and I wasn't trying to nitpick grammer. Since the discusion had drifted to what may or may not be reveald by statspack, I was just explaining *why* I took your comment to mean that you thought statspack would reveal what kind of disk configuration a file was on. Other than that mis-understood point, I agree completly with what you've said.
And your English is quite good. I never would have guessed it wasn't a first language. Received on Thu Mar 09 2006 - 08:27:01 CST