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Home -> Community -> Usenet -> c.d.o.server -> Re: HELP PLEASE - Designer 9i Won't Start Now
Never mind. I managed to find out what the problem was and fixed it.
"Dereck L. Dietz" <> wrote in message
> Please can anybody possibly help me?
> I'm trying to enter Designer 9i but when I enter my password the designer
> window just goes away and never loads. I tried it from the shortcut and
> even the actual file but the same thing.
> When I tried to get on PL/SQL using the Designer 9i repository owner I was
> able to get on just fine so it's not the account. I'm also able to get on
> the designer database instance using Enterprise Manager but I just can't
> the Designer 9i application to run.
> Earlier today I did delete some users and their schemas I was told I
> need but that's all I did.
> I'm desperate here and if anybody can - and will help - please contact me
> directly if you wish at the email below.
> Thank you very much,
> Dereck Dietz
Received on Sun Mar 12 2006 - 13:16:46 CST