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Home -> Community -> Usenet -> c.d.o.server -> Re: Create database link from inside a stored procedure
In article <>,
gazzag says...
> Jeremy wrote:
> >
> > The question remains - why is it a "mess" and should not be permitted in
> > a production environment? I genuinely want to know and consider that a
> > statment such as "DDL should be run by a DBA, not by application code"
> > doesn't provide any kind of answer.
> I guess it depends on your release procedures. In my opinion, a
> production system should be built by running the various object
> creation scripts against the database. Letting the application add
> database objects will ruin your audit trail. What if you need to build
> an exact copy of the database for, say, testing purposes or DR?
> Because your database isn't adequately documented (ie. you don't have
> the scripts required to recreate it), you cannot build a new
> environment but merely copy the existing database. This may be
> acceptable to your business; I assume you're a Windows site?
Very funny. Not.
I don't believe I have made any indication that the application is creating any datababase objects in the remote database. My original post concerns the ability to create a database link to be able to poupulate a remote database with some meta data. So the DDL part is creating a database link only - a link that is required solely for the duration of the transaction.
-- jeremyReceived on Wed Mar 29 2006 - 05:42:34 CST