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Home -> Community -> Usenet -> c.d.o.server -> Re: Python vs. PL/SQL for Oracle work schrieb:
> I also failed to say (mea culpa...) that I want to keep the business
> logic itself portable. That's a main driver in what I'm doing for this
> project.
So, what's the reason for python now, the GIS or portability?
For me those are two totally different issues.
And what kind of business logic are you talking about?
Basically, as soon as there's a way to enter data into the database without your python client, you are toast. All it often takes is a bright new student, downloading the oracle client and starting up sqlplus in order to have "a look at things".
Typically it's an either or issue. Do you want to enforce business rules or do you want portability? You decide what's more important.
Lots of Greetings!
Received on Thu Mar 02 2006 - 08:45:14 CST