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Home -> Community -> Usenet -> c.d.o.server -> Re: 10g License Issue - Development Vs Production License - Enterprise Edition
Cheers guys. Thanks for the inputs. Really helpful stuff.
If you see where I am coming from you would appreciate my dilemma:
1. The development and production are different environments. The
development license is looked into by us (along with application
development), and the production license is looked into (and procured)
by another organization (along with system maintenance).
2. I need the development database to be installed on a high end
machine (dual CPU, 2 gig RAM), with a lots of dummy data. This is
needed for stress testing the system, at near (or more) production
loads (on dummy data).
3. As for HansF's comment, well it was not lack of information on the
license that was the issue, it was excess information (conflicting at
times), and each one gets me thinking if its fine to use it for my
development environment, the way I want it or not (esp for the stress
testing). Maybe I was just looking for a catch, and never found one.
Thanks again everyone.
Roshan Ramesh Pai
Received on Tue Mar 14 2006 - 11:32:32 CST