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Home -> Community -> Usenet -> c.d.o.server -> Re: Equivalent of UNIX hear document on Windows NT wrote:
> When writing shell scripts, I use Unix's here document ...
> How can I do the same on Windows NT/2000.
As already mentioned, there are several replacement command shells available for Windows that replicate the functionality on UNIX, including here documents. One that wasn't mentioned but which I hope you might consider is Hamilton C shell, which recreates the UNIX C shell and utilities on Windows. You'll find more information, including links to a free, working demo version, at
Hamilton C shell is a commercial product, not freeware, but its big advantage over the others is that it's the only one that was written completely from scratch for Windows, so it's both much faster and better integrated with Windows. And as a completely fresh implementation, please be assured it does not suffer any of the scripting deficiencies often cited for the original UNIX csh. I am the author, so if you have questions, send me mail and I'll do my best to answer.
Nicole Hamilton
Hamilton Laboratories
Redmond, WA
Received on Wed Mar 08 2006 - 21:22:53 CST