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Oracle-L: by subject
- dgoulet_at_vicr.com (Fri Jul 20 2001 - 07:41:38 CDT)
- "Argument too large at"
- $ORACLE_HOME/bin/sqlload or $ORACLE_HOME/bin/sqlldr
- (Fwd) Oracle 8i and clustering [NT]
- (Fwd) Oracle8i Database Administration Boot camp
- (Fwd) Oracle8i Database Administration Boot camp [small/Sacr
- (Fwd) Oracle8i Database Administration Boot camp [small/Sacramento]
- (no subject)
- * Oracle DBA Needed in Phoenix..
- * Oracle DBA with ERP experience needed in Maine..
- * Oracle Financials DBA Needed in Houston..
- *1*: Where is RemoteORADBA?
- 11 disks to build a DB, suggestions
- 12514 Error
- 2 Gb file limit problem
- 2 Gb file limit problem]
- 2 queries
- 4 drives, 2 controller ( 3 drives on the SAME controller
- 4 drives, 2 controller ( 3 drives on the SAME controller !)
- 64-to-32-bit "upgrade" (was "8.1.6 to 8.1.7 upgrade")
- 7.3.4 Support
- 32bit (HP-UX 10.20) to 32bit ( HP-UX 11.0)?
- 8.1.6 to 8.1.7 upgrade
- 8.1.6. on Linux installation problem
- on redhat, startup nomount hangs, alert.log shows
- on redhat, startup nomount hangs, alert.log shows NO ERRO
- new bug
- 816/817 and JDBC Driver
- 81714 aborted upgrade and core dumps on NT
- 81715 is out for NT
- 8i vs 8 B&R Book
- 9i - Linux Rhat 7.1- Error SIGSEGV 11* segmentation
- 9i - Linux Rhat 7.1- Error SIGSEGV 11* segmentation violation
- 9i ? What is this ?
- 9i for AIX available now
- 9i for AIX is avaialble for download on technet.
- 9i New Features
- 9i Partitioning Option.
- 9i RAC and Sun cluster?
- 9i RAC's
- 9i standby
- 9ias for sun intel
- [Fwd: [ISN] Oracle patches high-risk security hole]
- [Fwd: How set Date format Globally]
- [Fwd: Importing data from dump exported with different character set]
- [Q] does Personal ORACLE 8.1.7 support Win98?
- [Q] exp from 8.1.7 and import to 8.1.6?
- [Q] populate production DB to test DB?
- [Q] which desugner tool better?
- [Questions ...-- Volume 2001, Number 200-- Welcome b
- A danger in cloning databases
- A lazy connection!
- About : Unusable indexes : why ?
- Accessing Oracle and MVS/CICS (IMS) data sources
- Add hours and minutes to date
- advanced replication
- alert log is not capturing all errors
- Alert log scan script
- Alert Logs Trashed after Archive Directory Fill
- alter index??
- Analyze
- Another Braindead Friday...
- Another programming standard falls
- Another virus #############
- any dangers of using UTL_SMTP
- Any idea about DIANA in Oracle...??
- any way to stop rollback for dml?/ 8
- Anybody running 9iAS using Microsoft's IIS
- Anyone else get spammed by OraKnowledge.com???
- Anyone know what "refresh controlfile command" is?
- Apps Connection Problem
- arrays in PL/SQL
- AutoExtend
- Avoiding Duplicates and Transitive Operations
- AW: get yesterdays date
- BaanIVc with Oracle
- backup Oracle on Sun Cluster 2.2 ???
- Backup script giving error when run by cron
- Backup script giving error when run by cron - Solved
- Batch updates
- Best way to upgrade database/move data
- Best way to upgrade database/move data [NT]
- bitmap indexes going wild
- Book/Website for SQL, PL/SQL ,Oracle questions/proble
- Book/Website for SQL, PL/SQL ,Oracle questions/problems.
- books on data modelling
- Bored!!!
- both dbms_stats & dbms_utility are gathering stats on sys obj
- both dbms_stats & dbms_utility are gathering stats on sys objects
- Brio/utl_file/oracle
- Bug in dbstart Script?
- CA ARCserver Vs. Veritas Backup Exec?
- Cache Object
- Calculating The Median: Error Discovered in Oracle SQL 101 Co de
- Calculating The Median: Error Discovered in Oracle SQL 101 Code
- calling rsh from external procedure
- callout listener and external procedure issue
- can i place online redologs with oracle engine ?
- Can Unix script not changeable and not readable ?
- Can't code for s.... peanuts
- can/do indexes chain?
- Capacity of LONG datatype
- CASE Expressions
- Case Statement
- catparr.sql
- CERT and Oracle
- Certification
- Certifications
- Change Manager problem
- check for sql text
- Chicago -> Mackinac yacht race
- Client Connection-SQLNET <and>?/<or>? ODBC.
- Close Implicit Cursors??
- Collection
- Command History in SQL*PLUS
- connecting to sqlplus within a shell script
- Connectivity problems through IIS server.
- constraint naming
- Content Warning from MailScan to Mail-Sender!
- Corrupt block in DBVERIFY
- Cost of Porting Oracle to a different Unix !!!
- Creating DDL level triggers in Oracle 8.1.7
- CTAS with the DIRECT LOAD Option
- Weaver, Walt (Tue Jul 03 2001 - 15:13:27 CDT)
- Koivu, Lisa (Tue Jul 03 2001 - 14:54:52 CDT)
- Scott Shafer (Tue Jul 03 2001 - 14:53:27 CDT)
- Rachel Carmichael (Tue Jul 03 2001 - 14:20:24 CDT)
- Seley, Linda (Tue Jul 03 2001 - 14:19:35 CDT)
- Kevin Kostyszyn (Tue Jul 03 2001 - 13:29:16 CDT)
- Farnsworth, Dave (Tue Jul 03 2001 - 13:10:59 CDT)
- Thater, William (Tue Jul 03 2001 - 12:46:04 CDT)
- Koivu, Lisa (Tue Jul 03 2001 - 12:27:09 CDT)
- Jon Walthour (Tue Jul 03 2001 - 12:16:15 CDT)
- Orr, Steve (Tue Jul 03 2001 - 11:46:13 CDT)
- Thater, William (Tue Jul 03 2001 - 11:40:53 CDT)
- Orr, Steve (Tue Jul 03 2001 - 11:30:06 CDT)
- Weaver, Walt (Tue Jul 03 2001 - 11:07:05 CDT)
- Ivan_Rivera_at_doh.state.fl.us (Tue Jul 03 2001 - 10:50:24 CDT)
- Rachel Carmichael (Tue Jul 03 2001 - 10:45:30 CDT)
- Rachel Carmichael (Tue Jul 03 2001 - 10:45:17 CDT)
- Jerry C (Tue Jul 03 2001 - 10:38:19 CDT)
- Ray Stell (Tue Jul 03 2001 - 10:14:51 CDT)
- Kimberly Smith (Tue Jul 03 2001 - 09:33:13 CDT)
- Kimberly Smith (Tue Jul 03 2001 - 09:09:38 CDT)
- Orr, Steve (Tue Jul 03 2001 - 08:31:29 CDT)
- Kevin Kostyszyn (Tue Jul 03 2001 - 07:49:40 CDT)
- John Lewis (Mon Jul 02 2001 - 20:51:37 CDT)
- Rachel Carmichael (Mon Jul 02 2001 - 19:15:47 CDT)
- Norwood Bradly A (Mon Jul 02 2001 - 17:28:24 CDT)
- Ivan_Rivera_at_doh.state.fl.us (Mon Jul 02 2001 - 16:23:51 CDT)
- CURSOR_SHARING = FORCE ques. - OCP Certification
- D2k Reports
- Dangerous AIX Bug!
- Koti Reddy (Fri Jul 27 2001 - 16:42:46 CDT)
- Mohan, Ross (Fri Jul 27 2001 - 14:29:13 CDT)
- Gene Sais (Fri Jul 27 2001 - 08:56:49 CDT)
- Robertson Lee - lerobe (Fri Jul 27 2001 - 08:36:19 CDT)
- Tirumala, Surendra (Fri Jul 27 2001 - 08:32:38 CDT)
- Joan Hsieh (Fri Jul 27 2001 - 08:14:31 CDT)
- Mohan, Ross (Fri Jul 27 2001 - 07:28:05 CDT)
- Ruth Gramolini (Thu Jul 26 2001 - 21:10:19 CDT)
- Rachel Carmichael (Thu Jul 26 2001 - 18:47:15 CDT)
- Mohan, Ross (Thu Jul 26 2001 - 16:41:16 CDT)
- Deshpande, Kirti (Thu Jul 26 2001 - 16:28:34 CDT)
- Gene Sais (Thu Jul 26 2001 - 16:26:09 CDT)
- Durinda.Jones (Thu Jul 26 2001 - 16:24:56 CDT)
- Mohan, Ross (Thu Jul 26 2001 - 16:06:26 CDT)
- Mohan, Ross (Thu Jul 26 2001 - 15:55:40 CDT)
- Denny Koovakattu (Thu Jul 26 2001 - 15:44:17 CDT)
- Deshpande, Kirti (Thu Jul 26 2001 - 14:57:20 CDT)
- Mohan, Ross (Thu Jul 26 2001 - 14:27:19 CDT)
- Ruth Gramolini (Thu Jul 26 2001 - 14:12:06 CDT)
- John.Dailey_at_ing-fsi-na.com (Thu Jul 26 2001 - 13:00:36 CDT)
- Durinda.Jones (Wed Jul 25 2001 - 10:49:34 CDT)
- Mohan, Ross (Wed Jul 25 2001 - 08:49:07 CDT)
- data files the busiest
- Data load options
- Data Load Options - summary - final feedback
- Data load options vicodin
- Data Modeling opinion? Help?
- Database Links standards
- Date / Time
- DB Backup Question
- db check list ???
- db check list???
- DB Export, but triggers are missing
- db links...
- DB on NT
- db-links question
- DB2 via Oracle
- DBA Manager Needed in Greater Philadelphia area..
- dbassist ???
- dbw and lgwr issue
- Dedicated / Multi Threaded oracle server.
- delay in sqlplus login
- deletion of data from a large table
- DESIGNER Reverse Engineering ?
- Dev2k v1.6.1 and Tk2Motif
- dewd, i guess that's why it's called "boot camp" :)! :)! :)! :)! :)! :)! :)! :)! :)! :)!
- disk layout
- Disk layout for datafiles
- DLM/OPS latch waits
- Does ALTER TABLE .... MONITORING cause any significant
- Dump V$ to Excel and Upload to Web for Analysis...or not.
- e-mail from within the database
- effect of Initial and Next exents...
- Email Rich Text Format
- Email/Paging/Mobile Phone alerts
- Encrypting a password
- Encryption software
- Enterprise dba
- ER Diagram of a schema
- Error conecting by svrmgrl
- Evaluation questions
- Exceeding Open Cursors.. too many rows in v$open_cursors
- Exp/Imp - suppress screen output?
- Experience using Legato on a Veritas Cluster?
- explain plan question
- Exploding the Myths paper
- export / import users definition
- export in cron
- export/import object types
- Extent allocation
- extent management
- Extent size for system tablespace
- File placement ?????
- find free space under HWM for a table
- form 4.5 bug ?
- formatting DBMS_OUTPUT
- Forms question
- FormsListenerServlet problem (FRM-92100)
- FRM-92090 Error
- full table scans
- Further question: Oracle 32bit / 64bit
- Fwd: Backup script giving error when run by cron
- Fwd: few dba related questions
- FYI - Oracle 8i contains buffer overflow in TNS listener
- fyi - solving TNS-12500 on solaris server
- FYI: new alert regarding patchset
- GA date for 9i database on Windows NT
- Gaping holes found in Oracle 8i (patch 1654631 info)
- get rid of carriage return in vi
- get yesterdays date
- Global Temp Tables and Indexes
- Going from 816 64bit to 817 32bit
- Grouping records using decode
- gzip does not want to work with files > 2G
- have been wondering for quite a while
- Hello
- Hello]
- Help
- Help ! ORA-00600 : internal error code
- help how get the n top rows for any table?
- Help need
- help needed in data datatype
- Help!
- help: ORA-06513 ???
- HELP: ora-600
- How can I unsubscribe thislist?
- How do I control NEXT parameter in the table....
- how do i explain this ?
- How does Oracle store NUMBER datatypes internally?
- How many lists are there in the buffer cache?
- How much Buffer busy waits?
- How much SGA free?
- How set Date format Globally
- how to browsed thru archives of this list
- how to check BG process in WIN2000
- how to clean NT services ???
- How to compile objects of type TYPE
- how to configure utl_smtp
- How to deal with special character like & in ' '
- How to download website
- How to execute Unix Command/program within a pl/sql block.
- How to find oracle is 32/64 bit
- how to get back value stored through get_hash_value function..
- How to get the list of tables used in a view?
- How to implement and use DBMS_STATS?
- how to improve sequential scans ?
- How to improve the performance of "Direct path Write"?
- How to know Oracle Down ?
- how to make PL/SQL wait for 60 seconds
- How to precreate tables for migration?
- How to record history / procedure execution
- How to run agent ???
- how to run explain plan on SP???
- How to search all tables for a particular field?
- How to select data from a LONG datatype
- How to send html using UTL_SMTP
- HP-UX 11/8.1.6/Scripts
- HP9000/HP-UX/8.1.5 System Move
- I have a clarification
- I need to rename shares.
- I still can't install Oracle on Linux - help
- iAS and mod_ssl "CA"
- IAS-Apache and PHP
- image in database
- immediate shutdown messages- when nothing being shutdown
- Imp problem
- imp use/pas file=blah.dmp log=blah.dmp...
- Importing data from dump exported with different character set
- Importing indexes with INDEXFILE in imp
- Index Behaviour
- Index Sizes
- Indexing a partitioned column
- Infamous 4031 error on 817
- Influencing commit interval of read-only replication's refresh gr
- Information about User-defined Locks
- init.ora
- Input truncated
- insert a file jpg or gif into Oracle database
- Installation oracle through responsefile
- Instance down
- Instance down due to error 1242
- Insufficient priveleges
- InterMedia Gurus
- iOraBugFinder 3.0.0 and itrprof 2.0.0 available
- Is there any ThumbRule for Shared Pool calculation ?
- Is this data skewed?
- java error
- JMS vrs AQ
- Jobs
- Keeping up w/list Email
- killed sessions staying around
- Largest
- Largest Oracle Databases
- Last Update
- latch free waits on LIBRARY CACHE latch and bind variables
- Lawson and Staffware running on Oracle?
- Learning Curve for Informatica ETL Products
- Licensing
- Linux Download
- Linux Download and ADSL
- Linux profile - a little offtopic
- List of installed patches?
- Listener freezes up
- LISTENER port issue
- listener problem......
- Listener Security !!
- Listing parameters changed at the session level
- LMT for system tablespace
- LOb's vs Bfiles
- local connection using pro-cobol
- Locally managed tablespaces
- Lock
- Lock contention
- lock problem
- Long Raw size 7.3.4
- Long running Analyze
- long to clob scripts?
- Looking for a test Database
- Looking for a tool
- lsnrctl options
- Mac OS X client for Oracle coming?
- Medtronic
- Medtronic"
- Metablink .... down again?
- Microsoft IIS
- Migration Workbench
- MINUS--Sql help
- Moving table with interMedia datatype
- moving tables to a different tablespace
- MTS - in Linux
- MTS on Linux
- mts, 2 listeners, protocol.ora
- Multiple Listeners
- Naming Standards - Thoughts Needed
- need procedure to extract DDL for table
- Need SQL Example
- need to recreate database
- new alert regarding patchset
- New Listener Question
- Newbie kinda question
- No control files created.
- no create system tbs ?????
- No Subject
- NOARCHIVELOG, ONLINE redolog corrupted - solved
- NON-oracle question: perl script to syn time with an vax hos
- NON-oracle question: perl script to syn time with an vax host
- notification of password expiration?
- NULL Foreign Key Value
- O9i Licensing
- OCP free tests
- ocp-dba
- Odd Access/ColdFusion/SQLPluss access problem
- OEM - SMTP (urgent)
- OEM 2.2 client for Sun
- OEM Data Gatherer again???
- OEM Data Gatherer question???
- OEM help ???
- OEM Implementation
- OEM nmi.log file growing
- OEM: init, Tuning Pack question ???
- OFA (Optimal Flexible Architecture) in practice
- OFA (Optimal Flexible Architecture) in practice (fwd)
- Off Topic - Anybody know how to copy a DVD?
- Off Topic - Sap Lists ?
- off topic--oracle Vs ms sql
- Off Topic: For Sale Sparc 5 170MHz capable of running 9i
- Off topic: Linux - NT dual boot
- OFF-TOPIC : remsh from a WIN workstation to a UNIX
- offline - Dynamic SQL doubt...
- offline- Returning pl/sql table from a proc. dynamically..
- offtopic-wishing to learn Solaris/Unix from scratch
- offtopic: memtool on Solaris8
- OID in application..
- old stats and temp space
- Online backup script..........
- ONS Install - my life is at an end
- ONS Install - my life is at an end, but not quite yet
- ops-shd
- ora 1115
- ora 12704 - character set mismatch when select nvarchar2 column
- ORA-00600 error
- ORA-01023 ???
- ORA-01578: ORACLE data block corrupted (file # 1, block #
- ORA-01578: ORACLE data block corrupted (file # 1, block # 13559)
- ORA-03113 end of file comm. error - Why???
- ORA-03127 during Export
- ora-1031 when connect internal or / as sysdba locally
- ORA-12564: TNS:connection refused
- ora-1722
- ORA-21560 when trying to use the dbms_lob.loadfromfile function
- ORA-24323
- ORA:12514 Error
- ORACLE & SSL (Secure Socket Layer)
- Oracle - IIS - MTS (MS Transaction Server) & SSL
- Oracle 32bit / 64bit
- oracle 6i designer problem in installing
- Oracle 8.1.6 and Web Server - session specific tempor
- Oracle 8i and clustering
- Oracle 8i on Linux (8.1.6 on RH7) - install help
- Oracle 9i on AIX with RAC
- Oracle Applications 11i Help Files
- Oracle Applications Forum
- Oracle Apps customization help working with consultants
- Oracle Auditing
- Oracle db missing
- oracle dba and tuning books
- Oracle DBA Needed in Indianapolis, IN..
- Oracle DBA Needed in Lake County, IL..
- Oracle DBA with Data Warehouse Exp.-Albany, New York
- Oracle DBA with Production Side experience needed in Miami..
- Oracle Financial Analyzer/Express
- Oracle Financials - Changing database link from local to remote m
- Oracle high availability
- Oracle Internet Directory
- Oracle internet directory example.
- Oracle Internet Structure
- Oracle listener security patch -
- Oracle Monitoring with BMC
- Oracle on Hitachi 9900 series
- Oracle on NT unattended installation
- Oracle Performance on Network Appliance
- Oracle pricing
- Oracle Support
- Oracle support phone number
- Oracle Training - CBT/Online
- ORACLE-L Digest -- Volume 2001, Number 200
- Oracle/AIX 64 bit
- ORACLE8i & cc compiler on SOLARIS
- Oracle8i/NT(cluster) - some web resources, etc.
- Oracle9i on Suse Linux
- oradim
- Order By Position and UNION
- OT - Chicago -> Mackinac yacht race
- OT - get together for list participants in DC area
- OT - interviewing your superior(fun question)
- OT -- satire on Ellison
- OT : Oracle datawarehouse DBA available in Canada
- OT Bamford/Puzzle Palace thread
- OT Bears
- OT Congrats to Dick Goulet
- OT fwd: Password for airbus photo library
- OT kinda vi question
- OT Long running Analyze
- OT Rosetta Stone
- OT, "It's all about Alex"
- OT, WOW really early
- OT-Oracle User Groups in India
- OT/ read the f translation on the web
- OT: A few years from now (Was: Ari's company/ Infoworld)
- OT: Ari and his company have been noted in InfoWorld.
- OT: Ari and his company have been noted in InfoWorld...
- OT: Certifications
- OT: Chicago -> Mackinac yacht race
- OT: Encryption software
- OT: For the older crowd who may have known him.
- OT: friday rambelings....
- OT: fuser know how
- OT: Just chatter about Wireless costs and PocketDBA
- OT: Keeping up w/list Email
- OT: Learning Curve for Informatica ETL Products
- OT: Micsoft Technically Correct
- OT: OOW - notification of selection - Dates moved to Aug 6th
- OT: Oracle pricing
- OT: Order By Position and UNION
- OT: Quest Software Product Query
- OT: SQL Cursor Parameter Behavior in 7.x vs 8.x
- OT: traditional neighborhood development- Andres Duany, preservationist
- OT: Unix tee command
- OT: What's next ?
- Outer join
- parameters at session level
- Patch Level
- Pentium 4 (gotta love wintel) install (attempt)
- performance pl/sql for DW
- performance pl/sql for DW conclusion
- performance pl/sql for DW: Sorry wrong language
- performance tuning
- Performance/Optimization/Monitoring Tools
- Perl Script for Alert Log
- PFILE location in NT
- pinned objects
- PL/SQL Question after migrating from 7.3.4 to 8.1.7
- Please help!! - Error 472
- pls help..
- pls-00123 - Program too Large
- Politics vs. What's Right - long, sorry
- Possible DBA position in Washington, DC
- private/public rollbacks
- private/public rollbacks (Out of the Office 7/17 - 7/20)
- Privilege problem ?????
- Probelm with W2K large datafile creation
- Problem connecting to a db
- Problem with performance
- Procedure Builder - Seeing variables
- procedure error
- Proprietary Database Migration - Any Idea
- public roles urgent
- PX Idle Wait?
- query prob
- Quest s/w
- Quest Software Product Query
- Quest's SharePlex
- question about d2k - urgent
- Question about OFA and RAID 5
- Question on on delete cascade functionality
- Questions about Oracle World Wide Support
- RAC/OPS changes
- RAID 5/Oracle
- Range partition
- raw on AIX - solved
- raw on AIX, illegal file type !!!!
- Re :Ms Proxy Client
- re-archiving a redo log file
- recovery - no backup:)
- Recreating the controlefile with x$ tables
- Redo for Rollback segs
- Registering custom report in Oracle Application 11i
- Regression Testing at Oracle???
- Rename alert log
- Replacement patches for listener security bugs 1656431 and 1814117
- Report
- Reports debug
- Reproduce ORA-0600
- resize in 7.3.4 urgent
- resize in 7.3.4 urgentresize script
- Restrictions returning a Long field
- retrieving BLOB column..
- retrieving XML from a url using oracle xml parser for plsql
- Rman and multiple channels
- RMAN duplicate database query
- RMAN problem after Duplicate
- rman question
- rollback and free list contension
- rollback gen
- Rollback seg for big job
- Rollback Segment needs recovery
- Rollback Segment Question
- Rollback usage
- RULE versus CHOOSE
- RULE versus CHOOSE - Basic Qs.
- RULE versus CHOOSE - sorry it's long
- Running out of extents on temporary tablespace
- RUPD$_
- RUPD$_ (long)
- SAP R3 and Locally Managed Tablespaces
- Schema organization
- Script for reverse eng of table
- Script to find space bound objects
- Script to report rman backup
- Scripts for tuning in 8.1.6
- Scsi I/O speed
- SDU and TDU in SQL*NET
- Second RBS in system tablespace
- Securing passwords in scripts
- security problem with 8i
- select on v$ tables
- Select only one of three tables
- Semaphores
- send email through pl/sql ???
- servlet 2.3
- session_cached_cursors and bugs in Oracle 81714
- setting an event -10032
- setting DbName in SQL*PLUS
- Setting event 10032
- Setting PCTFREE & PCTUSED in a Datawarehouse
- severe lib cache contention !!
- severe lib cache contention - how did i solve it
- SGA, miscellaneous keeps growing...
- silent installs via OUI installer
- simple sql problem
- Simple SQL Query Question
- Size of variable in PL/SQL
- Sizing a new server
- Sizing a new server - the Alpha Chip
- Sizing an index.
- Sizing Raw Vols and Oracle Datafiles
- SMS and Net8 Client Deployment
- Snapshot package.
- Snapshot shows as INVALID in DBA_OBJECTs
- Solaris 8 and 9i
- Solaris 8 Question
- Solaris Release Vs. Version
- Solaris.. help.!!
- Some other Oracle list
- some thing strange with user_tables vs real table
- Sorry
- sort segments
- Source for DB links
- SQL command
- SQL ERROR--Nebulous definition
- sql help
- sql help --urgent
- SQL Question
- SQL Server forum
- SQL translation from Access/VB/ADO to Oracle/VB/ADO
- SQL*Loader
- Sql*Loader and assign a ROLLBACK segment
- SQL*Loader question- Transforming Data
- SQL*LOADER Questions
- SQL*Net Connection limits
- SQL*Plus Quick Reference
- sql-query
- Sql/PLUS Question
- sqlldr prob
- sqlloader process dies
- sqlloader question
- sqlplus command
- sqlplus question ???
- Stand alone Procedure v/s Package Procedure
- Standby Database
- Standby Database & Replication
- Standby DB & Veritas Cluster Server/Replicator
- Starting Oracle services remotely (Win2K)
- Starting Oracle services remotely (Win2K).
- Starting Oracle services remotely (Win2K). - Thanks
- statement for directory objects
- stopping applications connecting to a database
- Strange behavior: Update with select
- strange datafile name..
- strange explain plan
- strange SP ???
- strange SP ??? with explan plan and tkprof report
- strt<SID>.cmd security hole??
- SUMMARY-Test Databases
- SUN cluster error
- Sun cluster vs Veritas cluster
- Sun cluster vs Veritas cluster - Any Docs / Links ?
- Supert market desgn
- Sys object Invalid
- SYS Packages - How to rebuild?
- sys.aud$ info
- SYSSTAT statistics
- sysstat table..
- system switch off
- table aliases save time when parsing??
- Table fragmentation
- Table Permission
- table scan vs idx scan
- Temp
- Temp problem
- temp problem when rebuilding Index
- temp resize?
- temp tablespace is permanent tablespace
- Temp tablespace issue
- template for description of Oracle installation
- test
- test - pl. delete
- test - please ignore
- test -- please ignore
- test message
- test message - please ignore
- The Median, The Joe Celko Solution , and Wait Events
- The number of used cursors?
- TNS:listener failed to start
- tnsnames.ora in clients
- Tracing
- Tracing Events - Anybody have a list of the Events?
- Transparent Gateway for Sybase
- Trigger help
- Trigger on Create User
- Trigger on table with Long
- Tuning question - Why did this index help so much?
- tuning sql query to use index
- two_task parameter
- Unable to access DB from Apps server
- unable to allocate 4096 bytes of shared memory - HELP!!!!
- universal installer question
- UNIX command
- Unix compress question
- Unix date ??
- UNIX mailx
- UNIX mailx]
- Unix problem HELP me please....!
- Unix tee command
- UNIX vs. 2000... check out what the Gartner Group thinks about M$ latest offering and how they compare
- Unix/NFS/NT question
- unrecoverable
- Unusable index
- Unusable indexes : why ?
- Update ALL colums without knowing their name??
- Update ALL colums without knowing their name??-correction
- Update question - a little newbie
- Upgrading from 10.7 to 11.x
- Urgent
- URGENT ORA-03113
- urgent pls...PL/SQL problem..
- Urgent Select statement SOS
- urgent synthax of DBV
- urgent..! ANSI Standard SQL for Outer Join (ORACLE & SQL SERVER)
- urgent..! how to combining 2 querries...
- Urgent..DB creation problem..
- Urgent: modify column name
- Urgent: Need help
- Urgent: ORA-03113
- User Memory
- Using data dictionary tables to manage application
- Using hide with AIX
- using ora & dbf as datafile extensions
- using ora & dbf as datafile extensions..
- utl_smtp query
- Veritas Backup Exec Error
- version
- Version of personal oracle that runs on Window ME
- Very high memory usage per user process
- view contents of datafile
- Vulnerability Discovered in OID
- waits on sequential scans - how did i solve it
- Warmstart objects
- WebLogic and OPS transparent application failover
- Weird character
- weird recursive sql
- what do I tune?
- What is this process?
- What privileges are required for Shareplex?
- Where is RemoteORADBA?
- Where is the lock?
- whic one to choose
- Which RBS have active transactions?
- Why are my indexes being ignored?
- Why default domain?
- Why this SQL does not work?
- Why this SQL does not work? - Thank You All
- Wildly OT. - Air fares
- Wildly OT. Made me laugh.
- WinNT / 8.0.5 / Import anomaly, or is it?
- x$table
- xdk
- Year of Unix file
- Yet more info on the patches for the listener security bugs
- Last message date: Wed Aug 01 2001 - 00:50:16 CDT
- Archived on: Sun Feb 22 2004 - 15:13:21 CST