Thank you very much to all who replied to this post and the post about
oradim. Mission was accomplished successfully and everybody is happy.
-----Original Message-----
Sent: Wednesday, July 11, 2001 10:09 AM
If I understand your post correctly, your networking
folks didn't install Oracle on the new server, but
instead just copied the directory structures over.
This means you don't have any of the registry entries.
While it is theoretically possible to export the
registry keys from one server and import them into
another, I would NOT recommend doing this - it's far
too easy to make a mistake somewhere and totally mess
things up. Besides, Oracle Support will tell you
you're unsupported if you do so.
As long as the db was cleanly shut down when the files
were backed up you should be able to open the db OK.
- Install the software (select custom install and
don't have it create a starter db for you).
- Edit the init.ora and make any changes to
directory locations, as needed.
- Create the services for the db (see note: 61621.1
"WINNT/WIN2000 Recreating Oracle Services and
Instances from the Command Line")
- If the directory structures (datafiles, online
logs, etc...) and db_name will be the same on the new
server then you don't need to recreate the
controlfile. If they need to change, see steps 1, 6,
& 8 of note: 73301.1 "How to make a copy of a database
on the same Windows NT machine"
- Anita
- wrote:
> Hello,
> I need to recreate a database, basically make a
> complete copy of one of the
> existing databases on a new server. My networking
> people already copied all
> datafiles, control file, log files, init file, etc
> to the target server.
> They also reproduced operating system directory
> structure.
> What I need to do is to make the second part of the
> task work, create the
> database, services, etc and make it run.
> I have not done it before and if I was doing it I
> would probably do
> export/import type of thing but the higher ups would
> like to have it done
> this way.
> One of the people has an idea suggesting just
> recreating the registry
> setting by exporting it from the existing machine to
> the new one.
> The other option is to reinstall Oracle but I am not
> sure how to make it to
> accept existing physical components(datafiles,
> control file, etc).
> If someone has a suggestion I would greatly
> appreciate it.
> Thank you in advance.
> Lyuda Hoska
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Received on Wed Jul 11 2001 - 10:47:54 CDT