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Oracle-L: by subject
- !! oracle startup problem - need help
- "free buffer waits" under eXtreme Transaction Loads
- "rcp" and 9iRAC
- $ORACLE_HOME on JFS2/AIX5.2 ?!
- (no subject)
- (RE): Normalization
- (sort-of-OT)and without further ado, the homegrown multi-Tb server...
- (sort-of-OT)and without further ado, the homegrown multi-Tb server...(online backups anyone?)
- * Oracle Peoplesoft DBA Position Available
- ** default in sql loader
- ** numeric check
- ** obj and rowid
- ** replication info
- ** replication secondary
- 10g - ASH view for license audits
- 10g compatibilty
- 10g listener strangeness
- 10g on Linux
- 10G RAC on Solaris 9 - anyone know....
- 10G RAC on Solaris looking for comments and suggestions
- 10g show stoppers
- 9.2 V$ views
- buffer (sort)
- database only tracing client session from 8i clients
- SQL-s converted to UPPER case & comments are truncated.
-, views, queries, and pushing predicates.....
- 9i RAC error
- [Q] anyone SUCCESSFUL install 10G OEM agent under Solaris 8?
- [Q] cheap way to make DB2 (OS/390) real time update ORACLE tables?
- [Q] How to do ORACLE RAC load balance?
- [SPAM] ** default in sql loader
- A bit of fun
- About having a large SGA for a DataWarehouse
- Accessing Metalink from the UK
- Acumate To Oracle Database - Large Data Transfers?
- Adding constraint to replicated object in M-M replication
- Advanced look at a chapter from Oracle Wait Interface
- Advanced unix syntax with exp/imp files > 2GB
- AFTER LOGON System Trigger
- AIX and Largefiles Performance
- analyze table versus DBMS_STATS.GATHER_TABLE_STATS(...)
- Annoying full export full import
- any info on the 10g certified masters?
- anyone having trouble replying to messages?
- Anyone implented compiled PL/SQL?
- Anyone seen weblogic do this?
- Anyway to move ORACLE_HOME
- Auditing - Unix vs NT
- auditing connection pool
- Away on a trip
- AWR Licensing
- BC4J (9.0.3) on OC4J 10G (9.0.4). Is it going to work?
- Best blocksize for large data loads?
- BigFile Tablespaces
- Books featured in Database Journal
- boos
- breakable parse lock
- buffer busy waits what does p3=130 mean
- bug 434596
- Can you monitor ANALYZE table?
- Can't open database
- Can't open database (OT magnetic pole flipping)
- Capturing Schema changes ??
- CASE substitution in WHERE clause
- CBO/10053 help, please
- change character set
- Change RMAN repository
- Change RMAN repository (Out-of-Office Unitl May 10, 2004)
- Changing Character Set
- CLOB Store Procedure
- Composite Index Order VS Query Order ?? , Tuning Docs URL ?.
- Congratulations: Advanced look at a chapter from Oracle Wait Inte rface
- Connect error and database links
- Connecting SQL Server from Oracle
- Count(*) each table from user_tables
- Creating Histograms
- CTAS and ora-1723
- data dictionary view with all oracle errors in it?
- Data Guard Protection Modes
- Data Junction docs pls
- database change control and synching up 56 databases
- Database connection from remote server
- Database Link Timer
- datafile corruption??
- datafile corruption???
- DataGuard
- DataGuard: verify recovery progress
- Datfiles/logfiles layout
- db checks
- DB mirroring
- DBA salaries rise
- dba_audit_trail logoff_lread,logoff_pread
- Delayed block cleanout and changing automatic undo tablespace
- Determine the session of a user who calls a proc accross a DBLink?
- Determining char/varchar2 column length
- Difference between count(1) and count(*)
- does oracle us both block and row level nested loop joins?
- DR and reporting server
- Drop & recreate temp tablespace while creating logical stby db
- dropping global temp tables
- EMC & Oracle 10g
- ENABLE NOVALIDATE behaviour bug
- Enterprise edition and Standard edition
- Enterprise edition and Standard edition - Thank you
- Errors view sorry for dba_errors
- Eweek reviews 10g
- Executing long ddls using dynamic sql
- experience of benefits using read only transactions
- explain plan works when using vi, but fails with microsoft cl ient
- explain plan works when using vi, but fails with microsoft client
- Export .dmp file
- external tables
- FBIs and query_rewrite_*
- Feedback on query for monitoring index usage in 9i
- Finding out if user has connect through granted
- fire off multiple dbms_stats.gather_schema
- flashback query vs. log miner
- flashback query vs. log miner (OT: Mladen's being too nice, here's my wife's Friday PM recipe)
- Function Index
- Getting a lot of "out of office" replies
- Getting recovery experience
- GLOBAL_NAME change
- good docs on star schema/snowflake versus relational desig n
- good docs on star schema/snowflake versus relational design
- Have you had any issues with
- Help - Training - Which?
- Help datafiles corrupted - index tablespaces affected - no DD L lieing around
- Help datafiles corrupted - index tablespaces affected - no DDL lieing around
- Help interpreting 10046 trace file anomaly
- HELP!!! ---- MViews...
- HELP!!! ORA-600 [qctstc2o1]
- high recursive cpu usage
- high water wark function table
- Hot indexes
- How can I remove a lingering old listener reference?
- How do you display hex via SQL
- How I know in dictionary procedure is wrapped I I stfved
- How I know in the dictionary a procedure is wrapped
- how to generate the output w/o using temp table
- how to get exactly how much temp tablespace a query is using
- How to inhibit that subquery merging behavior
- How to learn of set (but forgotten) session tracing?
- how to tell how much sort_area_size and hash_area_size?
- how to write this sql?
- iAS server sizing
- IDE for Oracle database]
- imp issue...very confusing!
- Import Question
- import with IGNORE=Y option to ignore errors
- Index help
- Index thrashing still after Alter table move and new buildin g of indexes.
- Index thrashing still after Alter table move and new building of indexes.
- Insert Performance question
- install 10g on SuSE 9.1 and got a error
- InstantClient
- Instream SQL in an NT Batch script
- intermedia
- Interpreting TKPROF results
- IO subsystem speed & rule of thumb
- iozone Solaris8-64-VXFS compilation error
- Is Metalink slow for you too?
- Is there any way to disable hash semi-join in 9i?
- Jr. Oracle Applications DBA position in Texas
- keyword-in-context style results
- L2 cache vs. faster processor
- Latch Free / Shared Pool on Fetch
- Load balancing with RAC according to our own proportions
- Log switches
- Logic for collecting statistics
- Logical standb by
- login delay with
- Lost PERFSTAT bridge scripts
- Lost PERFSTAT bridge scripts Found it
- Maryann OLeary/RYE/US/Avon is out of the office.
- Master to Master Replication and availability
- Max datafile size in AIX5.2L
- max number of handles 9.2, win32, partitioning
- Maximum number of partitions?
- Measuring SQL Net Traffic
- Metalink suggested links
- Method R and CPU Time
- Microsurvey - row count and global indexes in OLTP/DW
- migrating a date and varchar field into 1 date field
- Migration Tips
- migration to 64 bit Oracle from 7.3.4
- Min of decode explaination
- Mladen How I know in the dictionary a procedure is wrapped
- Monitoring activities for Large Centralized Production Hybrid Database?
- Monitoring tool for red hat linux 9.0
- more data from client
- Move records
- Move table online and update the indexes at the same time.
- Moving to 9i.....
- MS Server book
- Multiplexing archive logs to one disk
- Multithreaded ksh cold backup script needed
- need OEM10G startup/stop script
- Nested Loop Semi Join
- New to Oracle 9i...Increasing SGA parameters.
- Newbie RMAN duplication question
- No stats, why the heck is CBO running???
- node discovery
- Normalization
- Oaktable book is shipping ... finally
- Object Name 30 Char Max Limit??
- ODBC Driver Question
- odbc issue
- Off topic: BEA WebLogic Mailing List, Newsgroups etc.
- Off-topic
- OffTopic : Sybase - alter table / not null
- Offtopic: Norton Internet Secuity Software
- Old author, (sort of) old book... New licensing
- One last question
- OPS$ on NT/2000
- OPS/RAC redolog questions
- Optimizing Oracle Performance sample chapters online
- ORA-00314
- ORA-01031, sysdba, and Windows XP
- ORA-01159 during controlfile recreate ?
- ORA-04031
- ORA-07445 Invalid permissions for mapped object
- ora-4020 after migrating to 9204
- ORA-604/ORA-1092
- Oracle + Unix question , Error validation for SQL statements in ""coprocess"" ?.
- Oracle + Unix question , Error validation for SQL statements in co process ?.
- oracle 10g --linux install issues
- Oracle 7.3.4 - 8.1.7 - 9.2 link
- Oracle 8i Dataguard
- oracle 8I performanance testing
- Oracle 9i DBA OCP Books - OLN Course
- Oracle 9i DBA OCP Books.
- Oracle 9i installation on Solaris Sparc
- Oracle advanced tuning course
- Oracle Apple releases
- Oracle Baselines and Java Internals
- Oracle gives new guidelines to sales force
- Oracle OCP 10g upgrade announced
- Oracle on SAN recommendation...
- Oracle partition key update question
- Oracle Security Tool
- oracle vs sybase cheatsheet
- Oracle With Linux
- Oracle9i AS vs. IBM Websphere
- oracm goes down after few mins
- OT - Artificial Stupdity at its best
- OT - How to run java concurrent program in APPS env
- OT: linux kernel process krefilld
- OT: shell and output redirection
- OT± insert xmltype
- parallel processes and hot blocks
- Partition Advice
- Password recovery worked at last.
- PDF Highlighting
- Perfomrance Issue When using BEQ protocol
- phantom dblink
- PHP <-> Oracle scalability
- Physics of the FILTER operation within SQL_PLANE.
- PL/SQL output using UTL_FILE_DIR
- private memory used by oracle process in AIX ??
- problem with dbms_stats 9204 on hp-ux 11i
- problem with dbms_stats 9204 on hp-ux 11i ---fyi
- Procedures within Packages
- Query_rewrite_integrity
- Question about Raw values
- Question about Read-Only Snapshots
- Quick migration question
- Quick question re outer joins
- Quick question re outer joins]
- RAC nodes
- Raid 50
- re "About having a large SGA for a DataWarehouse"
- re re SYSDBA
- Re[JN]: to_number question
- read BLOB / insert into table in plsql ?
- recovery error
- recycle and keep buffer in other tablespace block sizes
- Recycle bin
- reg APPS standard WHO column ?
- Replicating LONGs...
- Replication of an entire schema using Streams
- replication with Indexes
- Request for information on automated notification.
- Resetting defined sql*plus variable in pl/sql block
- Resolved --> database only tracing client session from 8i clients
- Resource Plan Manager
- RMAN and NFS
- RMAN backup to tape and blksize
- rman backups without a catalog
- RMAN command question
- RMAN duplicate hangs
- Spears, Brian (Tue Jul 20 2004 - 10:52:48 CDT)
- Andy Rivenes (Tue Jul 20 2004 - 10:36:07 CDT)
- DENNIS WILLIAMS (Tue Jul 20 2004 - 10:26:24 CDT)
- Spears, Brian (Tue Jul 20 2004 - 10:24:27 CDT)
- Aragon, Gabriel (GE Commercial Finance) (Tue Jul 20 2004 - 09:23:22 CDT)
- Stephen.Lee_at_DTAG.Com (Fri Jul 16 2004 - 23:17:00 CDT)
- Aragon, Gabriel (GE Commercial Finance) (Fri Jul 16 2004 - 15:57:38 CDT)
- Aragon, Gabriel (GE Commercial Finance) (Fri Jul 16 2004 - 15:54:37 CDT)
- Stephen.Lee_at_DTAG.Com (Fri Jul 16 2004 - 14:07:57 CDT)
- DENNIS WILLIAMS (Fri Jul 16 2004 - 13:10:45 CDT)
- Andy Rivenes (Fri Jul 16 2004 - 12:01:54 CDT)
- Aragon, Gabriel (GE Commercial Finance) (Fri Jul 16 2004 - 10:45:26 CDT)
- Andy Rivenes (Fri Jul 16 2004 - 10:38:24 CDT)
- Hostetter, Jay M (Fri Jul 16 2004 - 09:55:08 CDT)
- Aragon, Gabriel (GE Commercial Finance) (Fri Jul 16 2004 - 08:48:14 CDT)
- Hostetter, Jay M (Fri Jul 16 2004 - 06:54:02 CDT)
- Stephen.Lee_at_DTAG.Com (Fri Jul 16 2004 - 04:10:29 CDT)
- Aragon, Gabriel (GE Commercial Finance) (Thu Jul 15 2004 - 15:18:11 CDT)
- RMAN duplicate hangs (character garbage in messages)
- RMAN duplicate hangs (FEEDBACK)
- rman nocatalog - point in time recovery
- RMAN paper
- RMAN Questions
- RMAN Questions -- Please do NOT read. If you do, don't whi ne to me.
- RMAN Report question
- Rollback Segment Philosophy
- SAP and TSReorg
- Script Question from Cary's Book
- script to calculate memory usage by oracle processes in AIX ?
- Script to convert high-bit characters into CHR(x)
- Script tp parse control file backup ?
- Script tp parse control file backup ??
- Scripting Client Upgrades
- seconds from midnight into a date field?
- Session broke and query running
- set digest
- shell and output redirection
- shutdown abort to move data files
- Simple Import Question
- Slick tricks for extent size reduction in LMTS via LMTS=>D M=> LMTS ?
- Slick tricks for extent size reduction in LMTS via LMTS=>DM=> LMTS ?
- Slick tricks for extent size reduction in LMTS via LMTS=>DM=>LMTS ?
- Slightly OT: 10g shared raw volumes: Is there a "best" partition type in Linux for raw partitions used for CRS objects
- Slow running Query.
- Solaris xxx - bit?
- Solaris: shared memory realm does not exist
- some one has experiece using direc io in nt, not using raw disks
- Somebody here works in oracle documentation?
- sources for hidden and useful hints for testin
- sources for hidden and useful hints for testin OT: analysis of 42 years
- spfile/listener question
- SQL Backtrack License How To
- SQL Language Quick Reference
- sql loader problem
- SQL Loader, field varchar2
- SQL*Net & loopback connector
- SQL*Net message from client ???
- sqlarea
- Sqlplus Worksheet connects to wrong database when launched from OEM console
- statspack and operating system stats
- statspack or internal routines peculiar issue!!
- Statspack Report
- Statspack Report and Oraperf tool
- Strange behaviour "/ as sysdba"
- Sun E25K problems with Oracle - 64 Bit Solaris 8
- SV: InstantClient
- sysdba
- System tablespace corrupted
- Tablespace Question
- Tablespaces
- Tales from the OakTable sample chapter...
- test
- Thank You Wolfgang
- Thanx -> ORA-01159 during controlfile recreate ?
- The free version of James Morle's book is now available
- The Tales of the OAK Table
- Tivoli Storage Manager Data Protection for Oracle
- To recover DBA password of Oracle on Win dows 2000
- To recover DBA password of Oracle on Windows 2000
- to_number question
- to_number question (excellent thread)
- TOAD as production application?
- TOAD Xpert privileges
- TPC-H Benchmark Optimization
- Tracing exp
- trcanlzr.sql - 9.2 - locally managed tablespace
- Two Questions Please
- undo tablespace
- Undocumented data dictionary views
- UNIFORM extents
- Unix perl oracle db support
- UNIX question
- update - Oracle RDBMS kernel group speakers confirmed for OAUG DBSIG meeting
- UPgrade from 8163 to 9.2?????
- Urgent Help - advise
- Urgent help: strange DB_LINK problem...
- Using create index nologging?
- using vim as SQL*Plus editor on Windows
- UTL_FILE ERROR Invalid Filehandle
- v$active_Session_history column question
- v$sql problem
- Varchar2 datatype
- VIRUS ALERT, do not open attached ZIP file from Oracle-L memb er
- VIRUS ALERT, do not open attached ZIP file from Oracle-L member
- VIRUS ALERT, do not open attached ZIP file from Oracle-Lmember
- VIRUS ALERT, do not open attached ZIP file fromOracle-Lmember
- vmstat output to db
- vmstat to perfstat
- WAIT #1: nam='direct path write' ela= 4809 p1=202 p2=14480 p3=9 - file 202 does not exist!
- WareHouse example information
- Was changing ORACLE_HOME - now non-default ORACLE_HOME
- Way to much log switching!!!
- What is a SQL statement ID?
- What OEM table stores the list of databases
- Where does that syslog entry come from (10g)?
- which Objects in buffer cache
- Why all the spaces in my email are replaced by =20?
- Why does this query need a table access by rowid?
- Why I get different 'db file scattered read' values?
- World Writeable Oracle files
- X$ changes in 9i
- xml/xsql http-server setup problems
- XSU, OracleXML.getXML not generating special characters...
- your explain plan script
- Last message date: Sat Jul 31 2004 - 21:12:20 CDT
- Archived on: Sat Jul 31 2004 - 21:19:02 CDT