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Home -> Community -> Mailing Lists -> Oracle-L -> Re: Script tp parse control file backup ??
On 07/01/2004 11:27:16 AM, Mitchell Baldwin wrote:
> I see you've read the books on Perl, obviously didn't read the books on =
> OFA !...
> =20
I am using OFA as much as possible, but not more. OFA is not a commandment, it's a recommendation. As long as you know what you're doing, you're allowed to interpret it rather freely. I flatter myself that I know what I'm doing, most of the time. As for the big script, I don't see a need for a big script where I can resolve the given problem with a perl one-liner. PL/SQL is nice, and I am quite fluent with it, but I am inclined to use any tool that is available and is the best fit for the job at hand. In this case, perl is better. Interesting thing is that I have a colleague who used to teach perl at MIT no less, and who keeps nagging me about my excessive use of PL/SQL. I guess that you can't please them all.
-- Mladen Gogala Oracle DBA Note: This message is for the named person's use only. It may contain confidential, proprietary or legally privileged information. No confidentiality or privilege is waived or lost by any mistransmission. If you receive this message in error, please immediately delete it and all copies of it from your system, destroy any hard copies of it and notify the sender. You must not, directly or indirectly, use, disclose, distribute, print, or copy any part of this message if you are not the intended recipient. Wang Trading LLC and any of its subsidiaries each reserve the right to monitor all e-mail communications through its networks. Any views expressed in this message are those of the individual sender, except where the message states otherwise and the sender is authorized to state them to be the views of any such entity. ---------------------------------------------------------------- Please see the official ORACLE-L FAQ: ---------------------------------------------------------------- To unsubscribe send email to: put 'unsubscribe' in the subject line. -- Archives are at FAQ is at -----------------------------------------------------------------Received on Thu Jul 01 2004 - 10:39:28 CDT
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