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Home -> Community -> Mailing Lists -> Oracle-L -> RE: to_number question
> -----Original Message-----
> I added few hints into your query.
Hey Moe! It woiks! Nyuk Nyuk Nyuk.
In case you are wondering, here is what I was working on. Without the hint, I get all 'YEEEEEHAAAA'. With the hint, life is good. If there are any of you who are dealing with Sardines Oxley stuff -- you know, like what credit card numbers you shove into a test and/or development database -- this might be of use to you. And the YEEEEHAAAA in the exceptions part should actually be p_corigid too (I think). I'm still debating about what to do about the when others part. (And the dummy numbers have been changed to protect the innocent.)
create or replace function doink(p_corigid in varchar2) return varchar2 as
v_fop varchar2(10);
BUM_NUMBER exception;
pragma exception_init(BUM_NUMBER, -1722);
select /*+ NO_MERGE(Z) NO_PUSH_PRED(Z) PUSH_SUBQ(Z) */ distinct nbr_cc_fop_name into v_fop from
(select nbr_cc_fop_name, nbr_cc_fop_high, nbr_cc_fop_low from nbr_cc where nbr_cc_fop_name in ('AX','MC','VI','DS')) Z where to_number(trim(substr(p_corigid,1,20))) between to_number(trim(nbr_cc_no_low)) and to_number(trim(nbr_cc_no_high)); case v_fop when 'AX' then return '123412341234123 '||SUBSTR(p_corigid,21); when 'MC' then return '1234123412341234 '||SUBSTR(p_corigid,21); when 'VI' then return '2345234523452345 '||SUBSTR(p_corigid,21); when 'DS' then return '3456345634563456 '||SUBSTR(p_corigid,21);end case;
when no_data_found
then return p_corigid;
then return 'YEEHAAAAAAAAA';
when others
then return p_corigid;
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