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Home -> Community -> Mailing Lists -> Oracle-L -> Re[1]:AIX and Largefiles Performance
Rich , we have a similar env (oracle
what would be your suggestion max datafile size in case of JFS ?
Thanks and Regards,
On Sat, 10 Jul 2004 Rich Holland wrote :
>Any chance you can forward the tuning paper along? I'm interested in reading a >copy. I'm currently running half a dozen ERP systems on Oracle 9204, AIX >51-003 and having no problems with the bf option on native JFS. From the tiny >bit of reading I've done about JFS2, I'd worry more about performance there >than via JFS -- I made the decision early on to stick with JFS, and haven't >been disappointed. We've survived multiple power outage crashes, fibre channel
>disconnections, etc. It's been solid, and performed well -- we're using a pair >of FCS adapters to SAN disk on an EMC via FC switches, and to be honest I don't >think the client can generate enough workload to really stress the I/O >configuration here... :-)
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