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Home -> Community -> Mailing Lists -> Oracle-L -> Question about Read-Only Snapshots
Hello All,
I need to implement read-only snapshots across a database link - the simplest replication. Here's the steps I took:
It seems to work.
My question is, in Step #1: Does the materialized view log have to be owned by the same schema that owns the base table?
If I can, I'd like to separate the mv logs so the users who browse the database aren't confused. In TOAD, snapshot logs show up under the TABLES tab. Sounds silly I know but the less complex this is for the developers, the better off we will be.
So if I can create the materialized view log under another schema, which schema do I select from across the database link in Step #2? The MV owner or the table owner?
I tried to read the replication manual but it starts with a messy multimaster and MV implementation.. I don't need that, it was so confusing. I want to understand the basics, know how they work, and start with a simple implementation.
Thanks in advance for any suggestions. Have a great weekend, everyone
Lisa Koivu
Senior Monkey
Orlando, FL, USA
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