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Home -> Community -> Mailing Lists -> Oracle-L -> RE: AWR Licensing
I would actually strongly suggest NOT turning it off. Reason is that the f= ree management stuff with 10g (and there is a LOT of that by the way) also = uses it. Having said that, the stats collection is instrumented into the k= ernel and has its own self throttling mechanism, so the performance impact = is minimal. So unless you're running a TPC-C benchmark, don't worry about =it.
The only documented way of turning it off that I'm aware of - if you are si= lly enough to do that ;) - is changing STATISTICS_LEVEL, which also turns o= ff a lot of the free stuff.
"Controlling developers is like herding cats."
Kevin Loney, Oracle DBA Handbook
"Oh no, it's not. It's much harder than that!" Bruce Pihlamae, long-term Oracle DBA
-----Original Message-----
From: [] =
On Behalf Of Kirtikumar Deshpande
Sent: Wednesday, 28 July 2004 1:26 AM
Subject: RE: AWR Licensing
Just curious... =
'cause I fall in that poor individuals category... =
If I don't have a Diagnostics Pack license, am I allowed to use the AWR pac=
kage, just
once, to turn the AWR stuff off? If I can't access all that nifty informati=
on without
Diag Pack, why would I want Oracle10g run those snapshots? =
> =3D
> =
> Pete
> =3D
> =
> "Controlling developers is like herding cats."
> Kevin Loney, Oracle DBA Handbook
> =3D
> =
> "Oh no, it's not. It's much harder than that!"
> Bruce Pihlamae, long-term Oracle DBA
> =
> -----Original Message-----
> From: [
] =3D
> On Behalf Of Jared Still
> Sent: Tuesday, 27 July 2004 3:12 PM
> To: Oracle-L Freelists
> Subject: RE: AWR Licensing
> =
> On Mon, 2004-07-26 at 20:11, Pete Sharman wrote:
> > No question about it at all. Read the licensing doc, you'll find it sp=
> t =3D3D
> > out in black and white. AWR, ADDM, all the PL/SQL AND data dictionary =
> ew=3D3D
> > s associated with them should only be accessed if you have the diag pac=
k =3D
> li=3D3D
> > cense.
> > =3D
> =
> =
> I see that all the SP stuff is still in $OH/rdbms/admin.
> =
> Is it still officially supported as of 10g?
> =
> Jared
> =
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