- "MacGregor, Ian A." <ian_at_slac.stanford.edu> wrote:
> While, I have enjoyed the frivolity, there is
> something to cosider, If =
> Oracle cannot perform well enough on Raid5 systems,
> then it may be =
> unsuitable for very large databases. When one has
> to store petabytes =
> worth of data in both online and near-line storage,
> with hundreds of =
> terabytes online, power consumption is a significant
> cost. Systems =
> with the need to store exabytes worth of data are
> not far off.
> This is not to say there are no performance
> penalties associated with =
> using Raid 5 and Oracle. If CERN's Large Hadron
> Collider projects =
> picks Oracle to store its event data, I'll bet they
> use Raid 5.=20
> Ian MacGregor
> Stanford Linear Accelerator Center
> ian_at_slac.stanford.edu
I'll bet that they use MAID, a massive array of idle
disks. the appearance of such an acronym was new to
unfortunately, I'm not kidding.
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Received on Wed Jul 14 2004 - 14:09:12 CDT