I had to copy some data into Oracle recently that was hosted at IBM on DB2
(naturally). The only connectivity they would allow was via JDBC but it
actually worked rather well. The most difficult bit was having to install
the rather fat DB2 client on the box I was running the process from.
I am study DB2 on mainframe to update tables on
ORACLE (UNIX). The update must be real time and 2PC.
I know ORACLE has "Transparant Gateway" to do it, but
it is tooooo expensive (95K). I am look for cheaper
solution like ODBC or MQ.
My question are:
- Any one use ODBC update from DB2 (mainframe) to
- is it stable and good performance?
- Anyone use MQ (message Queue) update from DB2 to
- any other solution?
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Received on Wed Jul 21 2004 - 02:52:03 CDT