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Home -> Community -> Mailing Lists -> Oracle-L -> RE: shutdown abort to move data files
shutdown normal -- wait for all users to disconnect. Could be waiting a =
LONG time.
shutdown transactional -- wait for all open transactions to commit or =
rollback. Again, could wait a long time.
shutdown immediate -- kill all sessions, rollback any aborted =
transactions. Still could take a while, but generally faster than =
either of the first two.
shutdown abort -- go down right now. Not much different than killing a =
background process. Unlike last three, this will leave database in an =
inconsistent state. Next startup will need to do instance recovery.
-----Original Message-----
[]On Behalf Of Goulet, Dick
Sent: Thursday, July 08, 2004 12:59 PM
Subject: RE: shutdown abort to move data files
OK, I stand corrected. Immediate use to wait for current transactions =
to complete, shutdown transactional is the replacement in that case. =
Shutdown normal waits for all sessions to close normally. And I beg to =
differ on SMON cleaning up temp. It is VERY fast at that task even if =
you have GB of temp in use. On the other hand after an abort SMON will =
be one VERY busy puppy rolling back all those uncommitted transactions =
that you left around. I use immediate a lot & don't have problems with =
it, except if we have to shutdown at an unaccounced/uncordinated time. =
Then yes, it can take a significant amount of time to do it's thing.
Dick Goulet
Senior Oracle DBA
Oracle Certified 8i DBA
-----Original Message-----
From: Satheesh Babu.S []
Sent: Thursday, July 08, 2004 12:44 PM
Subject: RE: shutdown abort to move data files
beg to differ with you. Shutdown immediate will not wait for the =3D
transaction to end, only shutdown normal will wait for the transaction =
end. The main reason shutdown immediate wait is , SMON will try to =3D
the temp space before shutdown. Incase if you issue shutdown abort and =
next time you startup, during initial period your SMON will be working =
to cleanup the temp space.
Thanks and Regards,
Satheesh Babu.S
-----Original Message-----
[]On Behalf Of Goulet, Dick
Sent: Thursday, July 08, 2004 10:06 PM
Subject: RE: shutdown abort to move data files
I believe I'd start asking why does a "shutdown immediate" take so =
long? There are a number of answers, some of which you could fix, =3D3D
others that need "indoctrination". First on the list is how big is the =
SGA? If your DB_BLOCK_BUFFERS (since your on 8i) are REALLY huge then =
that could be one of the slowing factors. Consider reducing them. Next =
is how many end user sessions are busy at the time. Remember an =3D3D
immediate will wait till their current transaction is finished before =
shutting down. Can you get the owners of these sessions to agree to a =
date/time when you'll do maintenance. Third are the number of dead or =
sniped sessions in your database. This one really torques my jaws. End =
users who start an application that uses the database & then walk away =
believing that it "will take care of itself". Consider setting =3D3D
resource_limit=3D3D3Dtrue & setting up profiles with "reasonable" idle =
time =3D3D
periods. Most of my end users have a 30 minute idle timeout, but I did =
have one that was set to 1 minute because he was a perpetual offender. =
OH, then there's my personal favorite, the end user who starts his/her =
application and then powers their workstation down. Windoze is not =
always graceful on this count. All of these will cause an immediate to =
slow down. Fix the problem, not the symptom. Crashing the database may =
well cause more harm, read that as recovery time, than good.
Dick Goulet
Senior Oracle DBA
Oracle Certified 8i DBA
-----Original Message-----
From: Nguyen, David M []
Sent: Thursday, July 08, 2004 11:48 AM
Subject: shutdown abort to move data files
I need to shutdown oracle8i database to move data file to another disk
but it takes about 40 minutes to shutdown immediate. Can I go ahead to
issue "shutdown abort" then move data file? Does it hurt anything?
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