- M Rafiq <rafiq9857_at_hotmail.com> wrote:
> Waleed
> Thanks. Table name is
> SQL> select count(*) from
> select count(*) from sys.RESOURCE_CONSUMER_GROUP$
> *
> ERROR at line 1:
> ORA-01578: ORACLE data block corrupted (file # 1,
> block # 223)
> ORA-01110: data file 1:
If this is truly the only error you have, I think you
are in luck. This table could possibly be dropped and
copied from another environment without harm. If you
are not using database resource management (which, in
concept, allows for different cpu utilizations
depending on session requirements), you could simply
drop and recreate or copy from another, similar
database in your environment.
I am not using dbrm, and there are only four sample
rows in my table. I would first try copying from
another environment. If that doesn't work, the table
is created and loaded in the u0800050.sql conversion
scripts that should be in your
$ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/admin directory. Try that.
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Received on Wed Jul 28 2004 - 21:13:53 CDT