Please don't get too over confident, Ellis.
They don't buy books because they don't need them.
The guys they hire to replace you can't even read
the books. At least that what I've been seeing.
Mike Thomas
- Ron Thomas <rthomas_at_hypercom.com> wrote:
> Ellis-
> You just made my afternoon! BTW, I have bookshelf
> envy. Mines not quite as big as yours, but it's
> close.
> Ron Thomas
> Hypercom, Inc
> rthomas_at_hypercom.com
> "To really screw up Linux you have to work at
> it...To really screw up Windows, you have to work ON
> it..."
> sartre1_at_comcast.net
> Sent by:
> oracle-l-bounce_at_freelists.o
> To
> rg
> oracle-l_at_freelists.org
> cc
> 07/21/04 05:59 PM
> Subject
> RE:
> !! oracle startup problem - need help
> Please respond to
> oracle-l_at_freelists.org
> True, true...but you know how the industry shuns
> reading comprehension.
> I have often been accused of LAMP-related witchery
> and other forms of
> Oracle/Java devil worship just for having too many
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