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Home -> Community -> Mailing Lists -> Oracle-L -> RE: RMAN duplicate hangs
I was trying to say that I don't have the 'equals' sign before the log
file size - and maybe you don't either.
Are you using the same rman script on host A and B? So, on host A
(where target is located) the script works, but on host B it does not?=20
Do all of your directories exist?
Do you get a specific error message when the crash occurs?
-----Original Message-----
[] On Behalf Of Aragon, Gabriel (GE
Commercial Finance)
Sent: Friday, July 16, 2004 9:48 AM
Subject: RE: RMAN duplicate hangs
Yes the '3D' is gargabage in the mail.=3D20
Oracle version for original DB is in host A, and in host
=3D B, (both under windoze) is that a possible problem when using
duplicate =3D command? I already thought about using backup controlfile
and then =3D resetlogs, but seems to be inneccesary since there's a
duplicate =3D command, when I try to duplicate db at the same host, the
process =3D completes successfully.
Also, I would like to know if the query to monitor the process is the =3D
right one, and what is the trash generated in the last two lines. Maybe
=3D a problem with different oracle versions?=3D20
-----Original Message-----
[]On Behalf Of Hostetter, Jay M
Sent: Viernes, 16 de Julio de 2004 06:54 a.m.
Subject: RE: RMAN duplicate hangs
What database version are you using?
Is that your entire script?
This may not be the problem, but in my rman scripts for cloning, I do
not have an '=3D3D3D' when specifying the size of the redo logs. .e.g =3D
"SIZE 50M" not "SIZE =3D3D3D 50m". However, if this isn't the correct
syntax, I would expect an error instead of just 'hanging'.
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