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Home -> Community -> Mailing Lists -> Oracle-L -> Re: oracle vs sybase cheatsheet
I'm coming the reverse way, actually. I've found no similar reference book out there.
I have a pseudo-cheasheat online at:
Though, its probably inaccurate in some areas. I've been fully in Oracle for a while and should probably do some updating.
Quick "get you started answers:"
Environment setup:
- $SYBASE is the rough equivalent to $ORACLE_HOME; $SYBASE/bin/isql needs to work,
just as $ORACLE_HOME/bin/sqlplus works. Set this variable in your .profile.
- You'll probably want to also set $LD_LIBRARY_PATH, as Sybase uses a lot
of dynamic linked librarires. Set it to $SYBASE/lib.
- $DSQUERY is the equivalent to $ORACLE_SID, but its not necessary if you
always specify the server name in your isql command.
- the Sybase "interfaces" file is the Oracle equivalent of tnsnames.ora;
you'll want to make sure this file is configured correctly else you won't
be able to log in via isql.
$SYBASE/bin/isql -Uusername -Ppswd -S$DSQUERY is the Sybase equivalent of $ORACLE_HOME/bin/sqlplus username/pswd_at_ORACLE_SID
Sybase terminlogy is a bit different than Oracle's: - a sybase "server" is the oracle "database" - a sybase "database" is the (rough) equivalent to an oracle "tablespace."
Sybase "run" scripts are located in the $SYBASE directory usually; these are equivalent to dbstart/dbshut scripts in Oracle.
Once logged into isql, you'll see a SQL> prompt; you can do "select @@version" to get your exact sybase version.
Hope this helps; feel free to email me offline if you have more specific questions; hopefully I can help :-)
> Howdy.
> Anyone out there have a comparison sheet that would
> tell a dyed-in-the-wool oracle'er how to function in
> sybase?
> I googled, but did not find what I needed. From the
> sybase manuals, I can't even figure out how to fire
> this puppy up. (Apparently they assume you know where
> to go from the $ sign.)
> I'm looking for how to set my environment (I type isql
> and nothing happens), how to get to the point where I
> can start/stop database, how to do basic schema
> queries, etc. It would be extremely helpful if I
> could compare the sybase commands to what I already
> know (oracle).
> Thanks in advance for any assistance, sympathy,
> encouragement, etc. :(
> (don't know version, probably 12 something (ase?), on
> solaris 9)
> Barb
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