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I'd suggest that you consder the "alter table <SCHEMA>.<TABLE> move tablespace <TABLESPACE_NAME>" and "alter index <SCHEMA>.<INDEX_NAME> rebuild tablespace <TABLESPACE_NAME>" statements, they will make the job far simpler.
Make sure you move the tables before rebuilding the indexes as the table move necessarily invalidates the related indexes.
Otherwise, with exp/imp you would export a schema at a time, use "indexfile=<file_name>" on the first import, edit the file to change the tablespace names, pre-create the tables from this DDL, load the data with "ignore=y" then build the indexes add constraints with the remainder of the parsed DDL.
You can see why it is easier to use "alter table move" and "alter index rebuild" statements!!
-----Original Message-----
From: Computer Centre - NIIPL []
Sent: Friday, 2 July 2004 6:41 PM
To: Oracle Mailing List
Subject: Tablespaces
Dear All,
In our test database we are having one tablespace. The tablespace contains all the tables for different users. ( 1200 Tables). We would like to have a separate tablespace for each user in the real time database.If we use the exp/imp utility, the table will be created in same tablespace as of the original one. Is there any way to insert the tables in to the newly created tablespaces while using imp utility.
Please help us.
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