Our experience with Web Sphere is that it does not
play well with the Java thick client. The thin client
works fine but it does not allow you to access the OCI
layer. This really only matters if you are load
balancing or doing replication. No idea what the
impact would be to a RAC environment.
- Lucas.Lukasiak_at_VerizonWireless.com wrote:
> We are traditionally a MS shop using IIS/ASP/ADO
> platform. For a new Java
> based project I am charged with doing analysis and
> providing recommendations
> for which Java Application Server to go with. Price
> is a consideration.
> Being an Oracle Professional, I am obviously looked
> at Oracle9i AS (we have
> one major system using it). However, we also have
> several other groups
> using IBM Websphere.
> Does anyone have any comment on major architectural
> differences? I would
> appreciate any particular notable differences that
> could possibly be useful.
> Lucas
> Wallingford, CT
> Connecticut Oracle User Group (CTOUG), President
> http://www.ctoug.org/
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Pete Barnett
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The Regence Group
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Received on Tue Jul 13 2004 - 08:18:25 CDT