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- "/usr/bin/ld: cannot find -laio"
- 'wait event' for rollback segment wrapping
- 10g - Configuration Issues to support multiple apps.
- 10g EM - How to connect to other databases?
- 10g Enterprise Manager Logon problem in XP
- 10g management server problem
- 10g OEM top sessions
- 10g with VCS & Veritas CFS
- 2 Day DBA Course: perception check
- 2 instances, 1 listener, services summary
- 2nd hand Database Domain learning CDs
- 9i + SSL = ORA-12560 Error
- 9i RAC with EMC storage
- [ Our Oracle verstion is 7.1.5]
- [FAQ] Oracle Database FAQ
- [I need to Relink after OpenVMS version upgrade]
- [Q] create procedure gone on 10G?????
- [Q] create second schema under a account
- [Question]drop all tables owned by a user
- a question :-)
- A strange variant of ORA-02391.
- Access 2003 ODBC front end for Oracle 9i Database
- accessing AS400 data in Oracle
- Accessing Oracle Enterprise Manager Databse Control on Windows XP
- Agent failed to start on 9206
- all_objects does not contain database link
- alter table move tablespace with blob column
- Ambiguities regarding Oracle High Availability features
- analyze index
- Any Fuzzy Software ( Other than SOUNDEX / NYSIIS )?
- Any suggestions ?
- Any website, where I can get docuementation about RDBMS Concepts and Datawarehousing
- app server
- ASM on directory?
- asynchronous i/o for hp-ux on oracle?
- Attaching BLOB's to PLSQL email
- Autoextend
- automatic memory management, not so automatic?
- Autostart after upgrade
- Available net service names on a machine?
- Backup of live database
- Beginner help needed in database design
- Books for White Box Linux - To learn Oracle 9i & Linux
- books related to RDBMS Concepts
- Can a partial truncate be done?
- Can I change the primary key on a table?
- Can i restrict user to query database table after office time....
- Can single instance Oracle 10g database use ASM ?
- Cannot find OracleHTTPServer
- Change Column from CHAR to VARCHAR2: ORA-02267
- Character set conversions in JDBC
- Check Constraints
- check original version of database
- Clone 10g SERVER
- cluster CRS
- Coalesce index
- Coding for ORA-02291 in Pl/SQL
- Command Merge specific 10g
- Connect By Clause - What Version?
- Connecting problem in fresh installation on XP
- Contents of DBA_HISTOGRAMS according to the ANALYZE cmd used
- create procedure gone on 10G?????
- Creating a Trigger Using Oracle Enterprise Manager
- Creating database manually
- Custom functions in DDL for default column values ?
- Data from 8.1.6 to 10g
- Data Guard/RAC ?
- Data Structure Question
- Database Administration Survey
- Database autostart after reboot (10g issue)
- Database Forum!
- Database instances fail to OPEN automatically on system start
- Databse Link between 10g and 8i
- db links in a database
- DB2 Crushes Oracle RAC on TPC-C benchmark
- dba_registry
- dbca & non-standard block sizes
- DBCA took about 6 hours to create DB on HP-UX !
- DBlink problem
- dbms_stats
- dbua erroring(database upgrade assistant)
- deletes and indexes
- deleting archived logfiles...
- Depreciation On Retired Fixed Assets
- Detecting the INSERT format for DATE database fields?
- Detecting typos
- determine last_error_position
- determining and setting decimal separator
- Difference between Oracle OCI and thin Driver?
- differences between Solaris and Windows in sqlplus connection specifiers?
- Different behaviour of TOO_MANY_ROWS in 8i and 9i
- Differential synchronization with mobile devices
- Disadvantages of Shared Server
- Disaster...corrupted .CTL files instance won't start
- disk space issue
- Do columns with Null data take up space?
- Drop Index or set Unusable
- Dual table
- E-book
- ERD of banking system
- Error Codes
- Error during full import - maximum enabled rles exceeded
- Error while importing TTS on Windows2K
- EVERY Chord, Scale and Mode for GUITAR.. Literally!!
- Exp/imp in archivelog mode question
- Experience with or AMD 64-bit?
- export a subset of rows
- Extract data from index
- Fake index
- Faking Forms4.5 to 9iR2 DBMS
- FAQ - Etiquette - and how to get an answer
- Fedora Core 3
- FileMaker Server 7, Filemaker Developer v7 WinALL Mac, IBM VISUALAGE FOR COBOL V3.0.6, Fujitsu NetCOBOL Suite v7.0L10 Enter. Edition, Intel Fortran Compiler Pro With IMSL V8.0.048, Clarion.v6.0.Enterprise.Edition.Incl, Capesoft.NetTalk.for.clarion.6.v3.04.Retail.WinAll, MICROSOFT VISUAL STUDIO NET PROFESSIONAL 2003, MicroSoft SQL Server 2000, Service Pack 2, AppDev SQL Server 2000 Accelerated Training [3 CDs], TransTrainer for Designing Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Databases v1.1, SQL Server 2000 Reporting Services, (Enterprise), Developer Edition 64 Bit, other ...
- Float Help
- Follow Up: DETERMINISTIC in user functions
- Following code works on one database but not another
- Fooling ProC precompiler
- For Christine about logon in OEM
- Format Date in database
- Forms client on 9i
- Guggi: New database tool for developers, administrators and analysts
- Guggi: New SPAMe tool for developers, administrators and analysts
- Guide to Oracle tips
- Handling of indexes
- help with replication choice
- HELP- Insert/Update Sloooow
- HELP: accessing AS400 data in Oracle
- How are you handling the quarterly Maintenance/Security Patches?
- How can be configured an expire period for archivelogs?
- How do i guarantee sorting using UCS-2 character set?
- How to connect with SQL Plus on 10g Lite
- How to create a uniqueness constraint based on two fields?
- How to do a local connection with JDBC ?
- How To Execute Sqlplus Scripts At The Command Line
- How to export unicode data from MSSQL 2000 to Oracle 9
- How to find automatically generated "not null" checks in user_constraints?
- how to find out table names from the given datafile???
- How to fix "nodeinfo" = NO_VALUE autostart Agent Configuration Assistant
- How to get an ERD from an existing database?
- How to get the length of LONG RAW column
- How to send email in PL/SQL
- How to set arraysize for jdbc thin connections?
- How to setup an OValue with an Unicode string
- HSODBC Link to MySQL: Datatype LONG
- http://europa.eu.int/epso/competitions/planned_fr.cfm#9
- HTTPS from Oracle
- I dont use DBTYPE_WSTR
- Identify user from database link
- Imaging Windows based oracle Servers and MS Syprep - any gotchas?
- immutable LOBs
- imp from 8.1.7 to 8.1.6
- Import external data file
- Import/Export issue on huge database
- Import/Export Problem
- Index compression vs. table compression
- Index rebuild after unusable doesn't reuse space
- Index skip scan
- index usage
- Indexed Organized Tables
- Informix to Oracle
- Informix to Oracle migration-- DataDrone3
- Insert into my_table select (subquery) on 8.1.7
- installer crashes
- Installing patch for Windows 32 Oracle Client
- Installing Apps 11.5.10 & copying data/migrating from Apps 11.5.7 to 11.5.10
- installing Oracle 10g on Windows Server 2003 Enterprise problem. Help !
- Intenational character sets
- Is 10g finally getting it right?: explain plan table-order for hash outer join
- Is Oracle SQL99 Compliant?
- Is this some kind of cluster?
- java using Oracle Backend - Typical Use Patterns?
- jdbc performance in Solaris
- JDBC THIN driver10g query issue
- Job_Queue_Interval Parameters
- Killed sessions
- Label Security and execution plans...
- Large Update .. Please Advice
- Learn Oracle 9i DBA
- lgwr performing direct i/o on unix platforms?
- limit alertSID.log file size
- Linux version and Oracle 9
- Listner error!!!
- Load and Performance Test for Oracle?
- Loading data from oracle 8i to 10g
- Logging in "AS SYSDBA" vs. without it ("NORMAL")
- LogMiner question
- Lost oracle passwords on 9i database on windows xp
- Manually starting services in Windows XP
- materialized view for this?
- Micro Focus Server Express 4 and Oracle 10g
- Microsoft Access to Oracle Interface - how not to prompt for password
- Migrating data from SQL Server to Oracle
- Migrating OES 643 with OFA to Antoher machine
- Migration from MS Access to Oracle
- Move 8i instances into 9R2 schemas
- moving database procedures/functions/packages between two users
- Moving schema from DB2 to Oracle9i
- MS NFS client and 10g ?
- Need a book for OCP 9i New Features Exam
- Need help getting a grant
- Need Size of Oracle Community??? How many new licenses are sold annually and how many are in existence?
- Need SQL Server Temp Table equivalent (challenge!)
- Netapps vs EMC -- db file scattered read
- Netbackup RMAN quetsion
- New IBM Nonsense
- NEW IT WebSite
- New Newsgroup Request
- New to Oracle question (Exp/imp)
- New to Oracle question (Exp/imp): THanks!
- newbie needs help running old oracle 8i code. procedure? function?
- newbie needs help with Oracle ODBC drivers for SAS ODBC interface
- Newbie needs help. Studying for OCA.
- Newbie Question - Urgent Help
- Newbie Where To Start?
- no listener
- No password prompt for "sqlplus '/ as sysdba"
- No virtual IP support with Oracle 9i:TAF. How Failover transparent?
- No. of dirty buffers
- Not stored "stored procedure".
- O/S upgrade. Do I have to relink ?
- OCFS and firewire drives in RAC?
- OCI problem: error reading french word with accent in first position
- OEM: critical error on SYSTEM TS never clears (10g)
- Omniback / Rman
- One control file/redo member with ASM ok?
- Opinion of a backup and recovery strategy.
- Optimization
- ORA-00060: deadlock detected with only one session in trace
- ORA-00257: archiver error -- but I've got a lot of free space!
- ORA-00445 ( background process "PMON" did not start after 120 seconds)
- ORA-01571: redo version incompatible with ORACLE version 8.1.7
- ORA-03113
- ora-12500
- ORA-12514: TNS:listener could not resolve SERVICE_NAME given in connect
- ORA-12560: TNS:protocol adapter error after 8i installation and new db creation
- ORA-30678 When sending email.
- ORA-3113 on Toad v8
- Oracle 10g (ASM vs Veritas Clustered FS)
- Oracle 10g Database Configuration Assistant disappears
- Oracle 10g dedicated server how to change to shared mode
- Oracle 10G explain plan ora-4045
- Oracle 10g on AIX 5L 5.3
- Oracle installation on Solaris 9
- Oracle 9i - switching to rule based optimizer optimizer
- oracle 9i help?
- Oracle 9i on Solaris 8 w/ VxVM - UFS logging?
- Oracle 9i server and client
- Oracle and ODBC
- Oracle Apps Instances Per server
- Oracle Apps., AP Table connections needed
- Oracle career query
- Oracle Client & ORA-12535
- Oracle Connection Manager doesn't work sunndely
- Oracle database upgrade assistant hanging on splash screen
- Oracle DB cannot restart due to missing REDO-file
- oracle db performance issue
- Oracle Forms Alternatives ...??
- Oracle Http Server Install
- Oracle internet Directory installation with 10G... Howto ?
- Oracle Migration Workbench --> HELP
- Oracle on ONE Processor of a DUAL Processor Server...
- Oracle on Windows Server Vs Xp-Pro
- Oracle PCTFree
- Oracle RunInstaller fails on 10g for zLinux
- Oracle Schemas for our Informix App
- Oracle server, Client, Red Hat Linux enterprise advanced server 2.1
- Oracle Server will write continually to control files.
- ORACLE Session Trace.
- oracle upgrades to 9.2
- ORacle user
- Oracle will ignore positions 1000 and after in a string field or expression for sorting using an ORDER BY clause.
- Oracle/ETL Datawarehousing Opportunity in Columbus
- Oracle/RDBMS : no. of connections
- Oracle: ALTER TABLE ... MODIFY with increased precision for NUMBER
- Orca - www.theoraclejobsite.com RSS News and Jobs
- OT: Roman General
- parallel instances
- Patching clients ?
- Patching Oracle to Oracle
- Periodic management of Oracle10g partitions!
- PeteFinnigan.com - Oracle security advisory
- please help me in building a SQL query...........
- plsql vs hibernate
- Populate page(report) from oracle database
- Problem with using NVL Function in SQL
- project: oracle community website
- Query a partitoned table for data spanning in multiple partition
- Querying devices via SNMP from stored procedure
- Question about dropping a Profile;
- Question: Use Trigger to Prevent Deletes with no Where Clause?
- questions on audit question
- Questions on Oracle Database Auditing
- Quick, easy program to earn extra money.
- RAC Node Eviction on Windows
- RAC with OCFS on Win2K - archive logs destination
- rbo to cbo
- Re : Multimaster Replication between 805 & 817
- Reading CLOB
- Recursive results of a n-level hierarchy
- REG: ORACLE Session Trace.
- remote login as sysdba
- Rename 10g machine
- Restricting Database modifications via sqlplus
- RMAN catalogue
- RMAN Duplicate did not use last incremental backup (10g)
- RMAN-03004
- Robust unique identifiers?
- Rollback question
- rownum
- ROWNUM for Page selection
- Running Function in System Package through
- Running oracle db on netapp NAS
- SAN vs. NAS
- SCN tied to the time stamp while doing recovery
- Scripting language for DBAs - Perl or Python?
- Select a bfile column causes binary file to 0K with oracle8i
- Select multiple rows from DUAL ?
- Server help/recommendations
- Shrink Many Files
- shutdown mmediate gets hung
- Simple query that consumes all temporary space.
- Some more problems with exporting Access Table in Oracle
- Some thoughts on netiquette
- Sort area size
- spfile change history
- Sporadic ORA-04030
- SQL performance tuning
- SQL Problem
- SQL with High version count...
- SQL*Loader-128: unable to begin a session after changing the password
- SQL*Plus question
- sqlldr grinding to a halt
- sqlldr performance oracle 8.1.7
- sqlldr singlerow
- SQLNET.ORA default settings
- Sr. Oracle 9i backend developer job opening
- Standby and EM Grid Control 10G
- statspack problem
- stb in a ford
- Still looking for RAID answers
- stored outlines - cursor sharing
- stored outlines ...
- stored outlines ....
- Stored outlines2
- Sun ZFS vs. Oracle ASM
- Supress a message in forms
- Synchronous backup of two instances
- sys_context , view and session
- sysusers deleted
- Table fragmentation
- Table/view to generate integers from 1 to 500
- Temp tables and redo log/archive mode
- Thanks, but...
- Thanks, but... [2]
- Thread Time Out (ORA-2049)
- Time taken by a checkpoint
- To find versions of installed oracle products
- toad beta
- Tracing All DML Errors in Oracle 9i
- Transaction per minute
- Triggers
- Turn an OMLET (Oracle Monitoring App) into a real omlet http://www.omlet.org
- Two databases on a win2000 server
- Unable to install patchset
- UnsatisfiedLinkError using OCI Driver of Oracle 10g
- Update 1 table based on 2 other tables
- updated rows
- updated rows ++ ROWDEPENCIES & ORA_ROWSCN
- Upgrade from 8i
- Upgrading AIX 4.2 to AIX 5.2 but database version going to be same
- URGENT! VB-Oracle: Retrieving resultset from stored procedure using Oracle in OraHome92 driver
- use DBITM with oracle?
- use DBITM???
- use SPAM with oracle?
- User Accounts Disappearing
- Using pipelined functions
- UTL_HTTP Post status code 100
- v$fixed_table
- very strange
- Wanted: Chained Rows
- what to download and set up for a newbie?
- What's wrong with this SQL?
- Where to store indexes for partitioned tables?
- Which Oracle certification for an application developer ?
- Why are CLOBs so slow, compared with VARCHAR2
- why not a full table scan
- Windows XP script language
- XML contains and extract
- XP script
- Last message date: Mon Jan 31 2005 - 22:13:13 CST
- Archived on: Tue Feb 01 2005 - 02:02:09 CST