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Re: newbie needs help running old oracle 8i code. procedure? function?

From: William Robertson <>
Date: 4 Jan 2005 14:34:23 -0800
Message-ID: <>

> DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE is not actually outputting anything.

Did you specify a schema (vOwner) that owns tables? I take it you have confirmed that you can get output from DBMS_OUTPUT?

> If anyone has any tips and tricks on how to rewrite this monster, let
> me know, otherwise I'll take it out of PL/SQL and put it in another
> language that I understand better.

I can't see why anyone would want the functionality that it offers. Binning it is one improvement that comes to mind.

I notice that it defines

vTable_Name VARCHAR2(100) := 'Employee';

...but the one line that refers to this is commented out. (What kind of psycho specifies a table name in mixed case anyway? And VARCHAR2(100), for a table name? And it's not a constant. And it's a procedure with four cursors. Mark my words, this is a killer who will kill again.)

btw, I posted something earlier via dbforums about spurious spaces in the script, but it seems that posts there are just for fun, and it turns out that those spaces don't appear when you view the post via Google Groups anyway, so that serves me right.

William Robertson wrote:
> Thanks!
> I don't have the Oracle knowledge to debug this. All this was very
> useful info and I've got a copy of Oracle PL/SQL 101 to look this up.
> For some reason it's still not displaying the results from the proc.
> DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE is not actually outputting anything.
> If anyone has any tips and tricks on how to rewrite this monster, let
> me know, otherwise I'll take it out of PL/SQL and put it in another
> language that I understand better.
> thanks,
> Don
Received on Tue Jan 04 2005 - 16:34:23 CST

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